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## 34
## Karmavipaka
(1) Aksharashruta, (2) Anaksharashruta, (3) Sanjishruta, (4) Asanjisruta, (5) Samyakshruta, (6) Mithyashruta, (7) Sadishruta, (8) Anadishruta, (9) Saparyavasitashruta, (10) Aparyavasitat, (11) Gamikashruta, (12) Agamikashruta, (13) Angpravishtaashruta, (14) Angvahyashruta.
Although the remaining twelve categories are included within the first two categories of Aksharashruta and Anaksharashruta, there are two types of seekers: (1) Vyutpannamathi (those with sharp intellect) and (2) Avyutpannamathi (those with dull intellect). Those with sharp intellect understand the knowledge of Shruta through these two categories alone, while those with dull intellect are unable to describe or understand the remaining categories through these two categories. Therefore, the remaining twelve categories have been mentioned for their easy understanding.
The explanation of the fourteen categories of Shruta knowledge is as follows:
(1) Aksharashruta - The word 'Akshar' is derived from the root 'Kshar sanchalane'. For example, 'Na ksharati, na chalati ityaksharam' meaning knowledge is called Akshar. Knowledge is the nature of the Jiva and no substance deviates from its nature. Jiva is also a substance. Since knowledge is its nature and quality, it is not found in any other substance besides Jiva.
- - - 1. Supramanaparoctram codadasadhiham pannam, tam jaha-akkharasuyam, anamakharasyam,
sapnisuyam, asanisum, sammammayam. micchasugam, saiyam, agaiyam, sapjjabasiyam, apjjavasiyam, gamiyam, agabhiyam, angvilen, anagap vitth.
- Nandi Sutra 37