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## Twenty-Fifth Chapter
601. You are called **TrikalavishayaasheShatattvaBhedat** because you are born in three ways due to knowing all the substances of the three times. You are called **Kevalaakhya** because you possess the **Kevalgyan** eye. You are called **Dadhachakshuvijetro** because you are the conqueror of the eye of the ignorant. You are called **Swameeshita** because you are the master of yourself. ||72||
You are called **Swamandhakant** because you destroyed the demon of ignorance. You are called **Ardhanareeshwar** because half of the eight enemies of karma are not your enemies. ||73||
You are called **Shiv** because you reside in the **Shivpad** (liberation). You are called **Har** because you destroy the enemies of sin. You are called **Shankar** because you bring peace to the world. You are called **Shambhav** because you are born from happiness. ||74||
You are called **Vrushabh** because you are the best in the world. You are called **Purush** because you have many excellent qualities. You are called **Nabhey** because you are born from the **Nabhiraja**. You are called **IkshvakuKulnand** because you are born in the **Ikshvaku** lineage. ||75||
You are called **Swamek** because you are the best among all men. You are called **Purushskandh** because you are the support of all men. You are called **Swam** because you are the eyes of the world. You are called **LokasyaLochan** because you are the eyes of the world. You are called **Trija** because you know the three paths of liberation: **Samyagdarshan**, **Samyaggyan**, and **Samyakcharitra**. You are called **Trigyan** because you possess knowledge of the past, present, and future. ||76||
You are called **Chatursharan** because you are the embodiment of the four refuges: **Arhant**, **Siddh**, **Sadhu**, and **Kevali**. You are called **Mangalyamurti** because you are the embodiment of auspiciousness. You are called **ChaturasraDhi** because you know everything around you. You are called **PanchBrahmaMay** because you are the embodiment of the five supreme beings. You are called **Pavan** because you are pure. Please purify me, O God. ||77||
You are called **Sadyajatma** because you were born quickly at the time of your descent from heaven. You are called **Vamadev** because you were very beautiful at the time of your birth. Greetings to you. ||78||
You are called **Sanishkrantavaghooray** because you have attained supreme peace. You are called **ParamPrasham** because you have attained supreme peace. You are called **Kevalgyanasamsiddhav** because you have attained **Kevalgyan**. You are called **Vishana** because you are the Lord. Greetings to you. ||79||
1. You are called **Ardhanareeshwar** because half of the eight enemies of karma, such as **gyanavaran** and **karma**, are not your enemies.
2. You are called **Shiv** because you reside in the **Shivpad**.
3. You are called **Shankar** because you bring happiness.
4. You are called **Shambhav** because you are born from happiness.
5. You are called **Vrushabh** because you are the best in the world.
6. You are
पञ्चविंशतितमं पर्व
६०१ त्रिकालविषयाशेषतत्वभेदात् विधोस्थितम् । केवलाख्यं दधचक्षुविजेत्रोऽसि स्वमीशितः ॥७२॥ स्वामन्धकान्तकं प्रार्मोहान्धासुरमर्दनात् । अधं ते नारयो यस्मादर्धनारीश्वरोऽस्थतः ॥७३॥ शिवः शिवपदाध्यासाद दुरितारिहरो हरः । शंकरः कृतशं लोके शंभवस्त्वं भवन्सुखे ॥७॥ वृषभोऽसि जगज्ज्येष्ठः पुरुः पुरुगुणोदयः । नाभेयो नामिसंभूनेरिक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनः ॥७५॥ स्वमेकः पुरुषस्कन्ध स्वं वे लोकस्य लोचने । वं त्रिधा चुसन्मार्गस्त्रिजस्त्रिज्ञानधारकः ॥७॥ *चतुःशरणमाङ्गल्यमूर्तिस्त्वं चतुरस्र धीः । पञ्जब्रह्ममयो देव पावनस्त्वं पुनीहि माम् ॥७७॥ स्वर्गावतरणे तुभ्यं सद्योजातात्मने नमः। जम्माभिषेकामाय वामदेव नमोऽस्तु ते ॥८॥ "सनिष्क्रान्तावघोराय परं प्रशममीयुषे । केवलज्ञानसंसिद्धावीशानाय नमोऽस्तु ते ॥७९॥
करनेवाले हैं इसलिए आप ही 'त्रिपुरारि' कहलाते हैं ॥७१।। हे ईश्वर, जो तीनों कालविषयक समस्त पदार्थोंको जाननेके कारण तीन प्रकारसे उत्पन्न हुआ कहलाता है ऐसे केवलज्ञान नामक नेत्रको आप धारण करते हैं इसलिए आप ही 'त्रिनेत्र' कहे जाते हैं ।।७२॥ आपने मोहरूपी अन्धासुरको नष्ट कर दिया है इसलिए विद्वान् लोग आपको ही 'अन्धकान्तक' कहते हैं, आठ कर्मरूपी शत्रुओंमें-से आपके आधे अर्थात् चार घातियाकर्मरूपी शत्रुओंके ईश्वर नहीं हैं इसलिए आप 'अर्धनारीश्वर' कहलाते हैं ।।७३।। आप शिवपद अर्थात् मोक्षस्थानमें निवास करते हैं इसलिए 'शिव' कहलाते हैं, पापरूपी शत्रुओंका नाश करनेवाले हैं इसलिए 'हर' कहलाते हैं, लोकमें शान्ति करनेवाले हैं इसलिए 'शकर' कहलाते हैं और सुखसे उत्पन्न हुए हैं इसलिए 'शम्भव' कहलाते हैं ॥७४॥ जंगत्में श्रेष्ठ हैं इसलिए 'वृषभ' कहलाते हैं, अनेक उत्तम-उत्तम गुणोंका उदय होनेसे 'पुरु' कहलाते हैं, नाभिराजासे उत्पन्न हुए हैं इसलिए 'नाभेय' कहलाते हैं और इक्ष्वाकु-कुलमें उत्पन्न हुए हैं इसलिए इक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दन कहलाते हैं ।।७।। समस्त पुरुषों में श्रेष्ठ आप एक ही हैं, लोगोंके नेत्र होनेसे आप दो रूप धारण करनेवाले हैं तथा आप सम्यग्दर्शन, सम्यग्ज्ञान और सम्यक्चारित्रके भेदसे तीन प्रकारका मोक्षमार्ग जानते हैं अथवा भूत, भविष्यत् और वर्तमानकालसम्बन्धी तीन प्रकारका ज्ञान धारण करते हैं इसलिए आप त्रिज्ञ भी कहलाते है ।।७६|| अरहन्त, सिद्ध, साधु और केवली भगवान के द्वारा कहा हुआ धर्म ये चार शरण तथा मंगल कहलाते हैं आप इन चारोंकी मूर्तिस्वरूप हैं, आप चतुरस्रधी हैं अर्थात् चारों ओरकी समस्त वस्तुओंको जाननेवाले हैं, पंच परमेष्ठीरूप हैं और अत्यन्त पवित्र हैं। इसलिए हे देव, मुझे भी पवित्र कीजिए।।७७॥ हे नाथ, आप स्वर्गावतरणके समय सद्योजात अर्थात् शीघ्र ही उत्पन्न होनेवाले कहलाये थे इसलिए आपको नमस्कार हो, आप जन्माभिषेकके समय बहुत सुन्दर जान पड़ते थे इसलिए हे वामदेव, आपके लिए नमस्कार हो ।।७।।
दीक्षा कल्याणकके समय आप परम शान्तिको प्राप्त हुए और केवलज्ञानके प्राप्त होनेपर परम पदको प्राप्त हुए तथा ईश्वर कहलाये इसलिए आपको नमस्कार हो ॥७९॥
१. यस्मात्ते ज्ञानावरणाद्यष्टविधकर्मादिषु घातिरूपार्द्धमरयो न अतः कारणात् अर्धनारीश्वरोऽसि । २. निवसनात् । ३. सुखकारकः । ४. भवत्सुख:-द०। ५. ग्रीवा । धौरेय इत्यर्थः । ६. सम्यग्दर्शनज्ञानचारित्ररूपेण ज्ञातमोक्षमार्गः । ७. अरहन्तशरणमित्यादिचतु:शरणमङ्गलमूर्तिः। ८. सम्पूर्णबुद्धिः । ९. पञ्चपरमेष्ठिस्वरूपः । १०. मनोहराय । ११. परिनिष्क्रमणे । सुनिष्क्रान्तावधोराय पदं परममीयुषे-इ०, ल० ।
* अर्धा न अरोश्वराः यस्य स अर्धनारीश्वरः [अर्ध + न + अरि + ईश्वर:-अर्धनारीश्वरः]