And we find proof of the comparative become accustomed to the use of meat.
become accustomed to the strength of the Hindus who live side we have to
We have to teach the baby to eat by side with the English who are
meat; it has naturally no craving for it; meat-eaters, that the travellers who
80 naturally man is not fitted, really go to Tibet, among the mountains
speaking, to eat the animl food. It where horses cannot travel, employ is also a great source of the passionate carriers who take the travellers on nature of the human being. We know their shoulders and cross the mount.
by practical experiment that when ain in this way. It is ihe Hindus hunters wish to prepare their dogs for who live on pulse and other herbs. the chase, to do that they confine the who are able to carry the meat-eating, diet of hounds to flesh, so that their pork eating Englishman over the
animal propensities are enhanced.
animal mountains which he cannot climb by This food would not give more himself. This is so far as physical strength to the hounds, but gives them strength is concerned. But there is
more animal nature, and makes them
more animal nature and not only the physical condition of the more eager to kill. If we compare body that is to be taken into conside- flesh-eating people and vegetarians ration, there are intellectual and moral intellectually, the Hindus have evolvreasons which are of more import- ed & very subtle and deep philo ance. Those who partake of animal sophy, the like of which is not to be food are not superior in this respect found in any other country. In India to those who live on vegetables. Auimal when a deep philosophical subject is food must create animal nature. discussed, the masses understand at It is necessary not to increase the once without asking & single quesanimal nature by taking in animal tion, and the street-sweeper underfood, but to make the mental and stands these questions better than moral natures command the physical the missionary who is sent to convert The animal whose flesh we eat lived him. No reasoning intellectual, inon vegetables, and when the animal telligent person would stick to habit character and propensities are given when he realizies these things; he to the vegetable it is not well for the comes to the conclusion that animal human being to take that kind of food is not designed for human beings.
It certainly becomes a cause of many food, when these qualities have been
diseases. Cancer is caused by meatadded to it. A person who lives on
eating. The hurts of vegetarians are animal food only is not able to enter
healed sooner than those of fleshinto the studies of the higer sciences,
eaters. Small-pox is considered & which are very easy in the opinion
very dangerous disease in this country of the people who live on simple vege
but the people in India have not the table food. We know by instinct
slightest fear of this epidemic at all. that the vegetable food is best for us; If a man falls ill of this disease his we do not like the smell of raw meat, friends will come to him every day and it takes & great deal of time to and do not catch the disease, and they
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat