matter, quietness, purity, calmness, table diet. In other books of the Bible which is to be found in all those very you will find passages confirming this substantial and nutritious, in wheat theory. In the book of Daniel you and other nitrogenous substances, in will find such a passage. This milk, in butter even to a certain ex proves that the earliest theroy in tent. These are used for the purpose the Bible history was of the vegeof forming tissues, muscles, etc. There table diet. There are of course are other substances belonging to the other reasons for following this rule second class which create heat in the besides the fact that sacred history body, and these are the substances in which confirms it. There are many which carbon is predominant. All fatty people who do not believe in these substance, all starchy substances are books, and they think only of scientiof the second class. In the human fic facts. They think that muscular system these elements are necessary strength and Endurance depend on and therefore the first and second animal diet, but science and facts are kinds of food are very important. The
both against this view. In regard to third kind gives sluggishness to the muscular strength, in India we have human body, and to this class belong all kinds of people, English and Hindus the foods which we avoid. They clog and in both endurance and strength the system. These are such foods 28 the Hindus are far superior to the cheese, all earthy foods, and other sub- English people. In all parts of the stances in which there is difficulty world it has been known that the Hin. of digestion. We do not stop there, dus are more able to endure the strug. but examine the nature of the animal gles of war than the English. They diet and the vegetable diet. The very say that in colder climates the carbons elements which are found in the vege and fatty substances necessary to the table diet are also found in the human body can only be supplied by animal diet, but there are certain other meat, but vegetables and all starchy reasons why we reject the latter. We subscances contain more carbon than first say that man was never intended flesh. Another reason is given, that to be a carnivorous animal. The scrpi in colder olimates vrgetables do not tures are in favor of a vegetarian
grow, but in this age of civilization diet and not of the animal diet. There
when transporation is so easy and
one kind of food can be carried in so is a passage in Genesis which says that the God said, "I have given you
short a time from one country to an
other, these arguments are of no avail. every herb, etc., for your meat." Later
If we compare different kinds of food on account of the fall of man as it is
we shall find that this theory is conunderstood, of course by all advocates
troverted, for the people in Africa, of that theory, the people became flesh
living very near the Equator, are oaneaters and were carnivorous, but the original idea of holy persons was that
nibals, while the Hindus who live in the food proper for man was the vege. the Himalayas are still vegetarians,
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat