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## Āgama Sūtra 39, Chhedasūtra-5, 'Mahānishīth'
Study/Purpose/Sūtrāṅka: Fear arises, by blocking the Āśrava door, remaining in Kṣamādi Yati Dharma and Yamaniyamadi, ascending in the category of Śukla Dhyāna, attaining Śaileśīkaraṇa, then burning and incinerating all the karma bound for a long time, not binding new minor karma. In the fire of Dhyāna Yoga, five short syllables are spoken, in that short time, burning and reducing to ashes all the karma that remains until Bhava. Sūtra - 349-350
Thus, the Jīva, by the power and strength of Yoga, completely freed from the armor of Karma Kalanka by tradition, at one time attains eternal, pain-free, disease, old age, and death-free, where sorrow or poverty is never seen. Always experiencing joy, such a blissful Śivālaya-Moksha sthāna is attained. Sūtra-351-353
O Gautama! There are also such Jīvas who, even after binding the Āśrava door and attaining Kṣamādi Daśavidha Samyama sthāna, etc., experience mixed joy and sorrow. Therefore, until all eight Karmas are completely eradicated by intense penance and restraint, the Jīva cannot experience happiness even in dreams. In this world, all Jīvas continuously suffer without rest. There is not a single moment when this Jīva has endured the pain that has come to it with equanimity. Sūtra-354-355
How big is the body of a Kunthuā Jīva? O Gautama! If you think - smaller than the smallest, even smaller than that, even much smaller than that, in it is Kunthu, how big is its foot? The foot's edge is only a very small part, even if that part touches our body or goes on someone's body, it will not cause us pain. Even if you collect millions of Kunthuā bodies and weigh them on a small scale, they will not even make a pal (milligram), then how big is the body of one Kunthuā? We cannot bear the touch of the edge of the foot of such a small Kunthuā, and Jīvas endure such a state as described above when they touch the foot's edge. O Gautama! Listen to what kind of feeling should be held during such pain. Sūtra - 356-365
A small animal like a Kunthuā may roam, move, and walk on my unclean body, but I will not destroy it by scratching, but protect it. It will not always be here. Perhaps it will leave in the next moment, it will not be here in the next moment. Perhaps it will not leave in the next moment, then O Gautama! This is how one should feel, this Kunthuā is not attached to me with attachment or hatred towards me, it does not touch me with anger, envy, jealousy, hatred, or a desire to play. Kunthuā does not climb on anyone's body out of hatred. It climbs on anyone's body like that. It may be disabled, a child, another animal, or enter burning fire and well water. It never thinks that this is my former enemy or my relative, therefore the soul should think that this is the rise of my Āśātanā-Pāpa. What kind of sorrow of Āśātanā have I done to this Jīva? This is moving around my body in all directions, oblique, upward, downward, and in all directions, for the benefit of my soul, to experience the fruits of the sinful deeds done in the previous birth or to end that pool of sin. I will endure this pain with equanimity, then my sinful deeds will end.
Perhaps the Kunthuā is caught by a strong wind while roaming on the body, then the Kunthuā experiences unbearable physical pain and the great pain of Raudra and Ārtadhyāna increases. At such a time, think that even a little pain from the touch of this Kunthuā, you cannot bear it and go into Ārta Raudra Dhyāna, then due to that pain, you will start Śalya, and you will have to endure its fruits for a long time, being Śalyavāla in Manoyoga, Vachanayoga, Kāyayoga, time, Āvalikā, Muhurta. How will you be able to bear such pain at that time?
Muni Dīparatnasāgar Kṛt (Mahānishīth) Āgama Sūtra-Hindi Anuvāda
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