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## Āgama Sūtra 39, Chhedasūtra-5, 'Mahānishīth'
Study/Purpose/Sūtrāṅka Sūtra- 294-295
Due to the faults of kṣaya like anger, etc., having obtained the poison of sight, serpent poison, and the poison of sight, and then practicing fierce meditation, one becomes a mithyādrṣṭi. The mithyādrṣṭi, while in the human state, being cunning, deceitful, scheming, and pretentious, for a long time, showing their importance to people, while deceiving them, obtained the state of a tiryañc. Sūtra-296-298
Here too, they become the recipient of many diseases, sorrows, and grief. Overwhelmed by poverty and distress, they are hated by many. Due to the faults of the arising of their karma, they are always anxious, their bodies are weak, and they are always burning with the flames of envy and sorrow. Such ignorant, childish beings are harassed by many sorrows. The fault lies in their bad character. Therefore, who should they be angry with? Sūtra - 299-300
In this way, by breaking vows and rules, by breaking one's character, by indulging in unrestraint, by practicing the false path of utsūtraprūpaṇā, by acting contrary to the commands of the Lord in many ways, by indulging in careless conduct, by doing something with the mind, or something with speech, or something with the body alone, by causing it to be done, and by approving it, the fault arises from the careless conduct of the mind, speech, and body. Sūtra-301
This fault that arises cannot be purified without proper condemnation, reproach, criticism, pratikramṇa, and atonement. Sūtra - 302
While remaining with the śalya, for countless times, in the womb, for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 months, their bones, hands, feet, and head do not form, even before that, they dissolve within the womb, meaning the womb melts away. Sūtra-303-306
Despite obtaining human birth, they become afflicted with leprosy, tuberculosis, etc., even while alive, they have worms in their body. Many flies sit on their body, buzz and fly, all parts of their body always rot, their bones become weak, etc., they are overwhelmed by such sorrows, they become extremely shy, bad, and contemptible, causing anxiety to many people, they cause unwanted anxiety to their close relatives and friends. Due to such a particular result of determination, they obtain the state of a ghost or a demon due to the lack of desire and the exhaustion of karma. Due to the śalya of the previous birth, due to such a particular determination, they are thrown far away in all ten directions by the karma earned in many births, where food and water are difficult to obtain, where even breathing is not possible, they are born in such a desolate forest. Sūtra-307-309
Or they are born as earthworms, attached to each other's limbs, confused in intoxication, not knowing when the sun rises and sets. They experience the state of existence and the state of the body as earthworms there, and then they obtain humanity, but they are born as eunuchs. Being eunuchs, they bear the extremely cruel, terrible, and fierce consequences, and due to the wind of those consequences, they burn, fall, and die, and after death, they are born in the state of a plant. Sūtra - 310-313
Having obtained the state of a plant, they spend countless eons with their feet up and their mouth down, unable to obtain the state of being without senses. After experiencing the state of existence and the state of the body as a plant, they later obtain the state of one, two, three, four, (five) senses.
Muni Dīparatnasāgar Kr̥t (Mahānishīth) Āgama Sūtra-Hindi Anuvāda
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