palta sangh) They travel in group observing Tapa. They cover the yatra of holy Tirthas like Palitana (Shatrunjaya) Sammet sikhar etc. by feet.
STHANAKVASI SAMPRADAYA During Fifteenth century of Vikrama Samvata, "Lonkashah", a householder following Jain tradition popularly known as "Shravaka" felt that Jain way of Life is retirement oriented i. e. its ultimate objective is to set free from worldly materialistic life and as such it gives primary importance to life style containing prominence to the principles of non-violence, restraint and penance technically known as Ahimsa, Samyam and Tapa. Therefore it should be implemented in a way to reflect observation of these principles in day to day routine life to the extent possible. Other principles of Jainism such as Anekantavada, Sapekshavada or Syadavada also a foundation of Jain Philosophy propagated by Lord Mahavira.
Lokashah observed that festival like "Pratistha"-idol worship are celebrated with pomp and grand scale involving wordly style and hence they do not enough importance to spirituality based functions. In the present form of celebration mode, he found violent method involving harm to subtle & small "one sensed" living beings and hence, as diverted form of spirituality.
The possession of Jain scriptures was with monks. They used to tell "House holders" cannot be allowed to read scriptures. They threatened them with the proverb "one who read scriptures, would lose his son" (Je Vanche Sootra Tena Mare Pootra). Afraid of this sort of threatening, people were scared of reading scriptures. As a result they were carrying a notion that only Monks have right & authority to read scriptures. They also used to spread this threatening to others, to frighten them. This and such other types of talks were seen as a chain of Authorities of Monks. Over and above this, Lokashah also noticed weakened attitude that made their observance to rules loose, and lazyness prevailed in Monkhood.
Impressed by good handwriting of Lokashah, one yatishri named Jnanji entrusted him with the work of "Rewriting Scriptures".
While carrying out the assignment, he pondered that there is a wide gulf of deviation in Religion that is practiced vis a vis that is advised and directed in scriptures.
This made Lokashah to bring a revolution by lighting flame for "Non violent trade to awaken the masses and made strong & hectic efforts to explain and give proper understanding of real nature of Jainism as revealed & sermoned in scriptures.
Because of the inspirational efforts of Lokashah, 45 devotees accepted Monk's life through process of "Diksha" (Avowed commitment to hold & observe ascetic life by renouncing wordly householders life.) They renounced the material life to lead spiritual life. They engaged in the work of propagating Jainism in real sense. Subsequently 152 "Diksha" took place at Patan in Gujarat and other centers named Sihori, Arhatwada etc. Lokashah himself got avowed by accepting Diksha under one saint Sohan Muni on Magshirsh shukla - 5 Vikram Samvat 1536. He moved from place to place for Ten years and spread "Message of Jainism" After completing chaturmas period at Delhi, he moved to Alwar and there, once at the time of breaking fast (Parana) of three days (Atham) completion, one opponent served him with poisoned items which resulted in last moment and he peacefully, with the balanced spiritual meditation, breathed his Last, on Chaitra Shukla II Samvat 1546.
After the death of Lonkashah, Muni Bhanji, Muni Nannaji, Muni Jagmalji and Muni Ruprushiji have taken over the holy work left behind by late Lonkashah and advanced - developed into converting reforms work by forming "Lokangachha, or Dayagachha. This Gachha popularly expanded from sub-sect to a full fledged Present "Sthanakvasi" sect in course of time.
Thereafter, 250 years, Shri Lavji Rushi, Dharmasinhji Muni and Shri Dharmadasji again removed the weakness' that had crept in and made further efforts Therefore, he was known as "Reformer of Practices". It is firm belief of this Sthanakvasi sect that there is no room for even slightest violence, even of subtle living beings, or sinful acts contrary to the sermons of Lord Mahavir & Scriptures containing his teachings, This is in conformity with Jain Philosophy, uniformly