VISAISISTA INTRODUCTION TO JAINISMO ASISISK prescribed & sermoned by all Thirthankaras of past, present in the context of Mahavideha Kshetra) and even of future who will prescribe through eternal kaal chakra (Time cycle) to follow.
In Four Nikshepas Viz Naam Nikshepa, Sthapana Nikshepa, Dravya Nikshepa & Bhava Nikshep (Technical Terms of scriptures meaning thereby four types)
(1) Nomenclature (2) Establishment, fixing (3) Material - physical & (4) Abstract (Bhava - Auspicious mental reflection) The last one 4th is acceptable as prime one among the four, where internal form of qualities and offering devotion to those who possess them. Constant awareness of Qualities of Lord Vitaraag - i. e. those with supreme quality of Eternal knowledge, Perception, Character & High degree of spiritual awareness of self (soul), Worshipping them and Reviewing one's all weaknesses, faults, lapses and sinful activities of mind, speech & body with sense of apology and efforts to avoid them to the best extent possible.
In Sthanakvasi sect there monasteries called Sthanaka or
Upashraya spread throughout length & breadth of country, even abroad.
The other names of Upashrayas are Paushadhshala, Aradhana Bhavan, Dharmasthanaka, Jain Bhavan etc. Most of them contain Ayambilshala - Group Kitchen, where shravakas - shravikas performing Ayambil Tapa take special tasteless food, once in a day and consumption of boiled and subsequently cooled water called 'Achet' water.
For educating young children, boys, girls, the lessons, course of Jain Philosophical knowledge, rituals, arrangements are made by Sangh to provide teacher, conduct examination, and prepare Scholars in the course of time. Penance, meditation recitation of verses of scripture, lifestyle of jain householders are covered in course contents. Monks provide suitable guidance & oversee their function, whenever they stay chaturmas or for a stay upto couple of months. Various programmes of penance & other rituals are held, under their presence & guidance. All religious activities are carried out only by senior competent shravaks - shravikas, in their absence.
1916INTRODUCTION TO JAINISMOSISADOR Shravakas travel in groups to places where Tirthankaras were once present, places from where Tirthankaras & Kevalis attained Salvation to offer their heartfelt prayers with full devotion.
TERAPANTHI SAMPRADAYA Pujya Bhikkhanji Maharaj (Pujya Bhikkhuji) was a monk of Sthanakvasi sect. Because of difference of opinion, he parted his way from the sect, where Thirteen (13) Saints followed him. One of the saint prayed "Oh Lord, it is Tera (Your) Panth." Since then, these monks were called as Terapanthi and were known to be as such They have accepted 13 main rules which are vows for observation i. e. 5 Mahavratas (Big vows), 5 Samities 3 Gupties. These vows are a "Must" for all the Monks of Terapanth as also for all Jain monks in totality in Jain community as a whole. This is a traditional observation invariably being followed through infinite past.
These Five great vows are: (1) Non violence, (2) Truth, (3) Non stealing (4) celibacy, and (5) Non possessiveness' (Aprigraha). They are technically known as "Panch Mahavrats". Whereas walking (movement) with utmost care, to protect all living beings from being harmed, is known as Iriya samiti, while talking or making speech, innocent & thoughtful words are to be uttered which should not cause harm to others - orffend any body. Unnecessary words are to be avoided. Restrained speech is meant here, which is called Bhasha samiti. Eshna samiti which is third kind of samiti, meaning thereby search for pure acceptable, type of edible food items and water. Extra care is to be excercised for type of food accepted & consumed. It should be free from even subtle living beings. Fourth samiti is Aadan Bhanda matt Nikshep Samiti, that is to say, putting up belongings & taking them out with utmost care. They include Clothes, Books etc. and observation to ensure that no living being on and around them is hurt in any way. The fifth & last samiti relates to disposal of body dirt's such as stool, urine, cough, waste material relating to nose, ear, eyes etc. are to be disposed off at safe place i.e. germs free place to avoid any harm to any living beins. This samiti is called technically "Ucchar - Paswan • Jal, Sangha Paristhapanika samiti". Besides these five samities,