SIXMISASA. INTRODUCTION TO JAINISMUSAASAASA (Mahavratas) and allied restraints and total renunciation from worldly House holder's life. But the distinct belief of Digambar sect is that only Males can attain liberation through aforesaid conditions of avowed monk's life. In short, only males are entitled to attain moksha.
There is a five year Degree course, recognized by a University sponsored by Todarmal Smarak Trust for Intensive study of Jain Philosophy. Here knowledge of Jain Principles can be attained. This institution has qualified Jain Scholars, with profound knowledge of Jainism. Digambar scholars deliver lectures on Jainism in India & abroad.
Digambar Jain Monks renounce material life and adopt spiritual path to divert their innerself and emphasise towards spiritual development with liberation as goal. For this purpose not only clothes are to be removed and nackedness is accepted but instincts, attitude, has to be renounced for real Digambarhood.
DERAVASI - MOORTI POOJAK SAMPRADAY This sect of jains is having a number of temples (Derasars) throughout India as well as in Foreign countries. Grand Pratistha Festival is held to establish (Pratishtha) idols of Tirthankaras in Jain Temple. Their way of worship is unique. Jain householders perform eightfold Pooja in Derasar daily. They bow down before idols of Tirthankaras & pray them.
Snatra Pooja, Panch Kalyani Pooja, Vastu pooja, vedaniya karma, Antaraya karma (partial extinction pooja), 17 types of pooja, Siddhachakra Pooja, Arham pooja, Ashtanhika Mahotsava etc. These poojas are held, according to prescribed rituals, occasionally.
In Jain temples, at the time of pranprastistha of idols, a holy process -rituals are carried out by Acharya Bhagwant. This process is called "Anjan shalaka",
All vows & commitments (vratas), as prescribed in Jainism together with the recital of mantra called JAPA-TAPA (penance) are performed by householders "for 45 days of Monks life" is
observed by householders.
For this duration they live life like a monk. This special penace is called as "updhaan Tapp".
During night, idols of Tirthankaras in Derasers are specially decorated and that is known as "AANGI" and Devotional songs with orchestra is played in Group with full devotion known as "BHAVNA"
In Derasar - Jain temples, during the time of Paryusana festival of eight days is celebrated. In context of Kalpasutra (Agama - Scripture), on the day of Mahavir Janma Kalyanak a grand celebrtion takes place preceding with presentation of 14 divine dreams seen by mother of Tirthankara - Lord Mahavir In this way the celebration of Birth festival known as "Janama Kalyanak" of Lord Mahavira is held.
Chaityavandan is a ritual process whereby bowing down with salutation to the idols of Lord Tirthankara and chanling holy verses - sootra words are performed. A visit in masses/groups to various temples by the devotees is called Darshan yatra - technically known as "CHAITYA PARIPATI"
Deravasi - Moortipoojak sampradaya is subdivided in various "Gachhas" Viz Tapa Gachha, Parswachandra Gaccha, Khartara Gachha, Achal Gaccha etc.
In Monks there are various categories such as Acharya, Upadhyaya, Panyas, Gani, Pravartak etc. These "titles" are awarded to males sadhus whereas Female sadhvis are awarded with the title of "PRAVARTINI" as a special post. Holy pilgrimage places of this sub sect (Swetambar Derawasi) are as under: Sammetshikhar, Shatrunjaya, (Palitana) Girnar, Pawapuri, Champapuri, Shankheshwar, Kshatriyakunda, Bhadreshwar, Nageshwar, Keshariyaji, Mahudi etc. These are also known as "Tirtha sthalas". Temples of Ranakpur & Delwara in Rajasthan are best examples of art & architechture.
Chaturvidha sangha (A sangha comprising of monks - male & Female (sadhu-sadhvis) Householders (Shravak - Shravika Male & Female). Who travel by feet with six vows (known as chhari