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Momentary [Kshanika Vadi] {
Figure: 18
| Refutation
Feeling ×
This conveys the meaning of the feeling—
"Sato'sattve tadutpadastato nasho'pi tasya yat.
Nastasya punarbhava sada nashe na tat sthitih." || 195 ||
Absence ?
Feeling ?
Here, the momentary [Kshanika Vadi] uses the same tactic to support his own opinion, with which the sage, the master of Nyaya Shastra, refutes the momentary opinion with great skill, like a skilled lawyer, and returns the argument of the proponent to the proponent's mouth. Then, by the same justice, he has no choice but to remain silent. In this way, the refutation of the momentary [Kshanika Vadi] is that the feeling that exists in one moment, in the next moment, transforms into something else—'it becomes something else,' he says. Then the momentary [Kshanika Vadi] argues in this way to refute it—'How can it become something else? If it becomes something else, how can it become something else? That is, how can that feeling become something else? And how can the feeling that is something else become something else? Therefore, 'it becomes something else'—that feeling becomes something else, it does not happen.' Now, by the same justice, believing that what exists in the previous and next moment does not exist in the present moment, 'the same is not'—what the momentary [Kshanika Vadi] says, that also does not happen. Because 'the same' shows the feeling of being, and 'not being' shows the absence of not being. Thus, in one place, feeling and absence are mutually opposed. Because the same feeling is, how can it 'not be'—how can it not be? And if it is 'not being'—'not being', then how can it be feeling? That is, if 'feeling' is, how can it 'not be'? And if 'not being' is, how can it be 'feeling'? Thus, this is contradictory. Therefore, the momentary side of 'it is not the same' does not happen.
Moreover, the momentary [Kshanika Vadi] accepts that the feeling exists only in the present moment, but he says that in the previous and next moment, it 'does not be'—it does not exist—it is absence. There are also many contradictions in this; because if it does not exist in the previous moment, it exists in the present moment, that is, the feeling arises from absence, this is a fault. Similarly, if it does not exist in the next moment, then there is destruction of being, that is, the manifestation of the feeling is a fault. And so on, many such contradictions arise. (See Shloka. 嗡
Asat is produced, it exists in the present moment, it becomes absence, this is also a fault. (See P. 81 of the Fruitnet.)
Vritti: -Sato—being, feeling, asattva—being considered as non-being (from the word 'the same is not'). What? Then kesavutsah—its production, that is, the production of asattva, will happen—due to kadachitkapana (due to the possibility of being). Then—therefore, due to that production, nashopi tattva—that asattva will also be destroyed.