[Vol. XXXIV Vēräval. The inscription is dated the 27th Ramadan, A.H. 6[62] (23rd July 1264 A.D.) and has been translated by him as follows: "God the Exalted may grant this to one who builds a house in the path of Allah. (This auspicious mosque was built) on the twentyseventh of the month of Ramadan, ( year sixtytwo?] and six hundred from the migration of the Prophet, in the reign of the just Sultan and [the generous king Abu'l-Fakhr (literally, the father of pride') Ruknu'd-Dunya wa'd-Din (literally, the pillar of the State and religion'), Mu'izzu'l-Islām wa'l-Muslimin (literally,
the glorifier of Islam and the Muslims'), the Shadow of God (in the world), the victorious against enemies, the divinely) supported prince Abu'n-Nagrat (literally the father of victory') Mahmud, the son of Aḥmad, may God perpetuate ....... and may his affair and prestige be high ; in the city of Sūmnāt (i.e. Sömanātha), may God make it one of the cities of Islām (and purify it from the infidelity and the idols and during the time of its ruler ........ .. ....... who was his adviser with correct and beneficial (9) opinion....... and who made efforts for this meritorious deed and also contributed generously (?) having been assisted by one nanied Cbādā ....... son of Rawat Nänsih along with their great ones, one of whom is Railak Dev, the second Bim Sih Täkur, the third Sümishwar Dev and the fourth Rām Dov, all of whom unanimously agrood to the construction of this magnificent great mosque-(18) one who is of a fortunate position, the great chief sadr), the fortunate, the martyr, Najmu'l-Haq wa'd-Din (literally, the star of the truth and religion'), the protector of Islam and the Muslims, father of kings and Sultans, the chief (sultān) of the great men of the time, the guide of those who go astray in the world, the king of the kings of the covenant and the fulfilment, the master of generosity and liberality, Abū Ibrahim, son of Muhammad Al-'Iraqi, may God illaminate his grave and make his (resting) place and bed agreeable to him, in obedience to our Lord's orders. The master of this good deed, is the great and respected chief (sadr), the king (sultān) of sea-mon, the king of the kings of traders, Nür'ud-Dawlat wa'd-Din (literally, the light of the State and religion '), the sun of Islam and the Muslims, the father of kings and Sultāns, the shelter of the great and the equals, the pride of the time. Fīrūz, son of Abū Ibrāhin, may God perpetuate his glory ...... and endowed for the above mentioned mosque which is celebrated throughout the universe ............. with the whole of its surroundings for the sake of Allāh, the Generous and for His abundant pleasure of the Great Lord . . . . . . . for the building of this groat mosque, so that (ils) building may be a proof of faith in the Manifest Scripture and in utmost accordance with the order of the Discrimination between Truth and Falsehood i.e. the Quran), wherein (Allāh) has said : Verily, he builds the mosques of Allāh, who believes in Allāh and in the Final Day (i.e. the Day of Judgment) and who establishes prayers and gives alms and does not fear any one except Allāh ; very likely, they would be among the guided ones (and the endowment is made for the benefit of the Imām (i.e. the leader of prayers) and its Mu'adhdhin (i.e. the caller to prayers) and the balance of the amount), after the expenditure is made, will be sent to Mecca, may God guard it, and (Madina) the city of the Apostle of Allāh, may Allah's salutations be on him, so that the said amount) will be spent towards (different) items of expenditure. As for one who will help to nullify this good (deed) or try to defeat its purpose either by words or deeds or intention or demonstration, Allab the Exhalted will know it from the sincerity of his heart and the defect of his belief . . ., the curse of God and the curse of the cursers and of the angels and of the people, (and, in short) of all will be on him. And (as regards) one who will change it after hearing of it, verily the sin will be on those who change it. Verily, God is the Hearer and Knower and Relenter and Merciful ............ the Exalted Allāh, as He says in His Strong Mighty Book (the Qur'ān): Verily Allāh ..................... and salutations of Allah be on our chief Muhammad and on his noble descendants."