No. 16]
The geographical names occurring in the inscription are : Konkana of which Jayakasin II was the ruler; Gökarna, the seat of the deity Mahābalēsvara ; Gädivore, the gift village ; Ajjagāve-kampana in which the gift village was situated ; and Panasa-dosa in which Ajjagavekampaņa was included. Konkaņa, also called Koukaņa-900 in some records of the Kadambas of Goa, is usually identified with the area corresponding to the present territory of Goa on the west coast. Gökarna is the well-known place of pilgrimage in the North Kanara District of Mysore State. Panasa-dēša is the same as Palasige (or Palāśikā)-12,000, the headquarters of which was the modern Halsi in the Khanapur Taluk of the Belgaum District. Kampana is a group or circle of villages and is a smaller division than desa or vishaya. Ajjagāve may be identified with modern Ajgaon, situated on the sea coast about 25 miles north of Panjim, the capital of the Portuguese territory of Goa and about 65 miles north-west of Halsi. I am unable to identify the gift-village Gādivore.
[Metres: Verses 1, 3-9, 13, 15, 20-21, 25-26, 28-31 Anushtubh ; Verse 2 Vasantatilaka; Verge 10
Indravajrā; Versos 11, 23-24 U pajāti; Verse 12 Milini ; Verses 14, 17 Arya ; Verse 16 Mandā krāntā; Verse 18 Praharshiņā; Verse 19 Udgīti; Verse 22 Sārdülavikridita ; Verse 27 Salini.)
First Plate
1 O nama[h*] Sivāya | Śrēyaḥo sri-Saptakoțišā dēgād=vaḥ sa yad-ājñaya(yā) bi2 bharty=Adivarāho=pi damshţr-āgrē mandalam bhuvaḥ |[1*] Gauripatēḥ pura-jay-7
3 tsava-kēli-bhājaḥ svēd-oda-vindu-nikarām(rān)=nitala-prasūtātu(tāt) I jātaḥ
4 kadamba-taru-mülam=upaprayātāt=khyātas=Trilychana-kadamba iti trilõkyām(kyām) ILI 2*] 5 S-ěshu-chap-asi-phalakair=jayadair=bāhubhir=yutaḥ | upāyair=iva rājan[yö] Ja6 yamta iti višçi(sru)ta) |[l 3*] Atha tasya kulē jātīḥ kēpi bhūpā mah-aujasaḥ | ksi
7 t-ānēka-makha-khyāti-vidambita-Bidaujasaḥ ICl 4*] Tatah khyāto=bhava
8 t-tēshu brīmān=Ghalla-bhūpatiḥ | prasiddha-siddha-Shashțhõ=bhū[t*]=tatah
sidhdhā -
9 graņir=nripaḥ [l 5*] Jayakēsi(si)-nripo jātas=tato Vijaya-bhūpatih | tat-putra[h*] Kon
10 kap-ādhīso Jayakēsi(si)-nțipõ=paraḥ [1 6*] Perma(mā)di-nțipatēḥ kanyām=upayēmē
sa bhū1 Cf. Bomb. Gaz.. Vol. II, Part ii, pp. 282-83, note 5. * From photographs. * This abshara was first written as yä and then the visarga was engraved in the place of the a-matra.
The subscript t is very faint in the photograph. An unnecessary danda after talab was engraved and erased afterwards. • This letter was originally writton as pra and then corrected to pa.