The genealogy from Guhala I to Shasthadova II given in the introductory portion agrees in all respects with that found in the only other known copper-plate grant of this king, viz. Goa plates dated in the Kaliyuga year 4348.1 Verses 1, 4, 8, 13 (second half), 14, 19 (first half), 21 and 23 are also found in the Goa plates. In the Goa plates, the marriage of Maila ladēvi and Jayakēsin II is compared with that of Umā and Siva while our record mentions Janaki and Rāghava instead.
The date of the inscription is given in lines 38-40 as Kaliyuga 4357 (expressed in words) expired, 8th year of the king's reign, Durmati, Pushya amāvāsyā, Saturday. The Kali year and the cyclic year Durmati quoted here do not tally. Kali 4357 was Nala while Durmati was Kali 4362, five years later. The Goa plates of this king also show a similar discrepancy. They are dated in Kali 4348; but the cyclic year Sadhāraņa quoted would be equivalent to Kali 4351, three years later. With regard to this date, Fleet suggested that Kali 4348 (current) might have been the king's first regnal year. This will not suit our date according to which Kali 4357 (expired) was the 8th regnal year. For if we take 4348 (current) or 4347 (expired) as the first year, then Kali 4367 (expired) would be the 11th year of the king. Again an inscription from Bankāpur in the Dharwar District, belonging to the reign of this king, is dated in the 4th year, Kālayukta (Kalayukti). Since Kalayukti was Kali 4359 (expired), Kali 4356 (expired) would be the first year according to this record. It is, indeed, difficult to reconcile these conflicting data. We may, however, note that the details of the date quoted in the inscription under study work out regularly, with the cyclic year Durmati, to the 21st January 1262 A. D.
The object of the inscription, given in lines 40-50, is to record that on the above-mentioned date the king made, in the presence of the god Mahābalēsvara of Gokarna, & gift of village Gādivore situated in Ajjagāve-kampaņa of Panasadēsa for the prosperity of the kingdom. The donees were Lakshmidhara and his brothers (unnamed) who were the sons of Jyotisha Lõkaņārya and his wife Śrīdēvi and the grandsons of Daivajña Nārāyana and his wife Kamala (verses 24-26). The donees belonged to the Ātrēya götra. The gift was made a permanent endowment by means of the copper-plate grant. Among the privileges with the gift were nidhi (treasure trove), nikshepa (deposits), danda (fine), dosha (fine), aputrika (property of the childless), Sulka (tolls), kara (major tax) and upakara (minor tax). Of these nidhi and nikshēpa are usually included in what is called ashta-bhöga enjoyment while danda and dosha are included in the das-aparādha, 'ten crimes'. The gift was free from all imposts and it was enjoined that the gifts of the former kings should be excluded from it and that it should not be pointed at by the finger by the royal officials, i.e. they should not interfere in its enjoyment by the donees. Verses 26-29 contain the usual benedictory and imprecatory lines.
Verse 30 states that the rocord was composed by Padmanabha, the son of Chatyaņārya and the grandson of Sõmanātha who was a learned person. The Goa plates referred to above mention Sõmanātha's son Chatyaņārya as the composer of that record. From verse 31, we learn that the inscription was written, at the command of the king, by Dhannaya, the son of Ruppala-srēshthin. The record ends with the word mangala-nahāśrī[]*] followed by two floral designs between double dandas.
1 Ind. Ant., Vol. XIV, pp. 288 ff. . Ibid., Vol. XVII, pp. 300-01.
B. K. No. 6 02 1843-44 of A. R. Ep., App. F.
Cf. ibid., 1949-50, p. 5. The details of the date with cyclic year Sadharana given in the Gos plates also work out correctly.
Five of these terms, viz. nidhi, nikshëpa, danda, bulka and upakara ooour in the Dögāve insoription (JBBRAS, Vol. IX, p. 269) of Sivachitta Permadi. The Kalegnon plates (above, Vol. XXXII, p. 42, text lines 76-77) of Yidaya Mahadeva, datad Saka 1182, mention four of these, vie, widhi, nikahapo, danda and buika.