16). In some cases, there is not much difference between p and y (cf. präpti-nimitāyā in line 2). H has a number of forms, some of which resemble bh, or h of the so-called Eastern Gupta' type; cf. dehāya in line 1, mdhèsvarð in lines 4-8, mäha in line 8, vyavaharind in line 12, yathāraham in line 14, etc. The medial signs of è and à are also of several varieties. They are sometimes a firö-mätrā and sometimes a prishtha-mitra and sometimes long and sometimes short ; cf. māhēsvarö mätao (lines 4-5), etc. Of initial vowels, a (lines 6, 17), ā (line 23), i (lines 9, 22, 3 t), u (twice in line 27) and ? (line 16) occur in the inscription.
The language of the record is Sanskrit, although it is corrupt. The text is written in prose and verse. Besides & stanza at the beginning of the introductory part, a few others of the benedictory and imprecatory nature are at the end of the document. The nature of the numerous orthographical errors, often exhibiting the influence of the local dialect, may be illustrated by the following examples : trivēdi (line 1), samkirnna (line 4), sämantāddhipati (line 7), māhārāja (line 8), vishai (line 9), sthāniyā (line 10), sūmannta (line 12), yathārahan (line 14), napatrāya (line 21), lūmvra (line 22), niddhi (line 25), guüravao (line 27), etc. The imprecatory and benedietory stanzas quoted at the end of the document contain many errors of omission and commission.
The inscription, which bears no date, begins with the siddham symbol followed by a stanza in the Anushtubh metre in adoration of Sömürdhadharin, i.e., the god Siva. This adoration tallies with the fact that the donor of the charter was a Saiva. It is followed by the word svasti.
The charter was issued from Jayapura-kota by Mahārāja Gayāļatunga who was devoted to the god Mahēbvara (Siva) and to his parents. The donor is endowed with the title Mahāsā. mantadhipati and has been described as one who obtained the five mahāśabdas and as 'the lord of the entire Gondrama (or, all the Göndramas)'. Although Gayādatunga does not refer to his overlord, his subordinate status is indicated by the titles Mahāsämantādhipati and Samadhigatadëshamahābabda which were enjoyed by feudatory rulers.
The declaration in respect of the grant to be recorded in the document was addressed to the future feudal chiefs (rājana ka), princes, governors (rājasthāniya) and subordinates of the donor as well as to the small chiefs (sämanta) and officers (vyavahärin) of the time being as well as of the future and the local people including the Brāhmaṇas and others pertaining to the vishaya or district of Khõmbai. The king is stated to have granted the village of Svalpa-Kompai in the said vishaya in favour of Bhatta Bhāinādēva who was the son of Gokuladēva and the grandson of Bhatta Vāsudēva and belonged to the Jatukarna gotra, Vasishtha pravara, Chhandöga charana and Kauthuma sākha. The donee is further described as hailing from a Traividys (i.e., Trivēdin) [family) residing at a place called Srichhātra. The grant was made by means of the copperplate charter as a permanent holding for the increase of the merits of the donor and his parents. It was made free from all obstacles and was endowed with the right to hidden treasures, etc. The royal servants and agents were forbidden to enter into the gift village. The document ends with the donor's request to the addressees referred to above for the preservation of the grant, which is followed by a quotation of some of the usual imprecatory and benedictory verses.
The geographical names mentioned in the inscription are Jayapura-köțţa, apparently a hillfortress which may have been the headquarters of the donor, the gift village called Svalpa-Kompai (i.e., the Smaller Kömpai), the district called Khēmbai in which the village was situated and the locality called Srichhatra whence the donee's family hailed. I am not sure about their exact location.
1 The Jätäkaruya gótra is stated to have throv pravaras, vis. Jätakarnya, Vasiahtha and Atri.