No. 14]
(in the year) enumerated hy guna (3), yuga (4) and harit (10), i.e. 1043, of Sahasanka (Vikramaditya).
(Line 29) (These idols) have been consecrated on the 3rd day of the bright fortnight of the month of Vaisakha in Samvat 1043.
(Verse 29) And having made provision for the maintenance of those installed (deures), (and) forsaking (all) worldly ties, he (Nandana) breathed his last at the foremost holy place of Saukara on the (banks of the river) Bhagirathi, mentally meditating on Světadvipa (White Island, sacred to Vishnu).1
(Verse 30) As Parvati is the wife of Siva, the slayer of (the demon) Tripura, so was his (Nandana's) wife Röhiņi,, an ornament of her family.
(Verse 31) From her he (Nandana) had six sons, named Sajjana, Silluka, Yasa, Sõhila, Pushkara and Sankara. They were devoted to their parents.
(Verse 32) He (Nandana), the self-restrained one, luckier with those lucky children, shone perfectly as does statecraft with six expedients (and as does) a year with the (six) seasons.
(Verse 33) They (i.e. the six brothers) caused (this) eulogy to be set up, in this temple of their father, which is whitewashed, has massive pillars (and) is beautiful with the stone slabs properly fixed.
(Verse 34) As long as Vishnu gladly carries Lakshmi on his breast, as long as Siva carries Parvati in his lap on his left, (and) as long as Sesha, the lord of serpents, carries the earth on his head, so long may this temple of the repositories of lustres stand permanently.
(Verse 35) There was a self-controlled Brahmana of the Vatsya götra, a very ornament of the glorious place, (called) Rōheṭaka, who was fifth (in descent) from the great poet Bāņa.
(Verse 36) From him was born (one) Durlabharaja, who was wise, magnanimous and a great scholar to whom nothing was unknown in the (whole range of) literature.
(Verse 37) His (Durlabharaja's) son, named Vimalamati (alias) Kesavarka (and) Bhujagaripu, a very bee on the lotuses (in the form) of the feet of (the god) Vishnu, composed this eulogy here. And it is the self-same poet who wrote (it)."
(Verse 38) There was a learned mason, (named) Vähari, Kshatriya by caste, [a resident] of a place (called) Dhülāvāsa. His son, (named) Vähila, has engraved this prasasti in well-formed letters, containing a beautiful circular diagram.
1 For details regarding Saukara and Světadvipa, see above, p. 80.
The six expedients are sandhi (alliance), vigraha (war), yana (march), deana (halt), caméraya (seeking refuge) and duaidhibhava (duplicity), while the six seasons are vasanta, grishma, varsha, barat, hima and bibira.
These again allude to the three deities installed in the temple, viz. Vishnu, Sankara-Narayana and Surya. This refers to the process of writing out the text and the diagram on the stone-slab with ink for the guidance of the engraver whose name is given in the concluding stanza.