(Verse 21) (In pleasing) the manes by her progeny, her kinsfolk by her simplicity, those worthy of respect by her humility and attention, the greedy lot by gifts, the learned Brahmanas by her exceptional purity, those prone to anger by means of tolerance and forgiveness, the servants by showing them respect, the (worthy) citizens with tact and straightforward speech, (and) her lady friends by providing them with (all) comforts, it must be said, she always threw even her beloved husband into the shade.
(Verse 22) He (Adyōtana), who (himself) was resplendent, begot a son (called) Nandana, from her (Natya), a son whose splendour was excellent, who was of a pleasing appearance, (and) who acquired fame in the world, even as the dazzling Sun generates fire from a large slab of suncrystal.1
(Verse 23) (Though) he (Nandana) was wealthy, he was ever intensely religious in his thoughts. His speech was such as meant well, was truthful, and delighted every one. His body was just one of the instruments, so to say, for benefiting polite and cultured persons. His heart always yearned after the attainment of paradise.
(Verse 24) "In his heart of hearts, he (Nandana) surely does not like me a bit," indignant at such a thought, his renown showed itself off through the temples as well as through the tanks (constructed by him)."
(Verse 25) He (Nandana), the wise one, regarding the riches (to be oscillating) like the sea agitated by the blasts of violent winds, human existence likewise no better than a mirage, happiness so fleeting as autumnal clouds, eschewed all fine arts (and) did nothing else but pure deeds of piety.
(Verse 26) He (Nandana) built this temple, which is adjacent to the site of the Vishnu (temple) (previously built) by Nagahari; which contains, (the images of) Hari (Vishnu), SankaraNārāyana and Khachara (Sun), which has a store-room and a well in front;"
(Verse 27) which is embellished all over with metal (plating); which is provided with nine entrance-doors, resembling (in that respect) his (Nandana's) own body; which is durable; (and) which gives pleasure to the good people.
(Verse 28) These robbers of the fear and danger born of the cycle of births and deaths occupied this place (the said temple) on Sunday, the Yugadi day of the bright-fortnight of the month of Vaisakha-a time which is pleasant with (the humming of) bees and (the warblings of) cuckoos,
1 The comparison of the father with the sun is suggested apparently by his name Adyotana which, as a word, means 'illuminator'.
5. The original text of the latter half of the verse is either defective or unintelligible.
For the nature of this deity, see above, p. 78.
It is not clear from the compound expression whether only one room and only one well are meant or whether
more are meant.
With reference to the body, dhatu means element.
The human body is metaphorically considered to be a nine-gate citadel of the in-dwelling soul. Playfully referring to the idols of the three deities, viz. Hari, Sankara-Narayana and Khachara.