No. 13]
INSCRIPTION FROM MANTHANI 15 hi-nagaram=Orumgallureiti || (341 16 Tatra prasāsti dharanin bhuätä(Akte) bh[8]17 gämscha Ganapati[r*-nfipatiḥ | - 18 khila-npipa-mauli-valabhi-maņi. 19 ki[ra]ņa-taramga-ramgita-pad-ā20 bjah || [4*J* Payõdhi-vēlā-raband21 [ka]lāpinim vidhiya bhūmim-a22 (va]rödha-bhāminim(nim) | dukūla-bu23 [bhrai]r-akarõd=yaső-[bha*rairnya ösha ta24 [syä) javani-tiraskrivām(yām) |[] 5*j* Tasya 25 [brau]ta-smärta-vithyām ramdhiti cha 26 (dhałrm-acharyakam (1*7Amchandryya! 27 (878-ima]himnā sarva-vidyası .. 28 ... 066*7*..... 29 .........
Second Side 1 [ma)dhuram tri-bhamgya mahah (prati] 2 [ghth]āpya Rama-sahāyar(yam) | ni[j-&) 3 bhidhēvē nigam-ātita-vächsām tal4 [ttjäm=idantā-paratām-anaishit || [1]
1 Motre : Gui. The vorso introduces the capital of the king during whose rule the prabasti was oom pogod. * Metre : Cik. This stanza introduces the reigning monarch. Metro: Vamastha.
There seems to be a mistake here. The meaning of the word is not clear. Could the intended reading be otthya adhter......chdryakal?
There are two akshares here, the first of which may be it or bhd. "The motre of the stanza may bo Ghi or Arya. The verse introduces the hero of the prabout. The person called here Afichan ärya is mentioned as Maiohi-bhattopadhyaya and Mafichanarya ropoctively in lino 8 and lines 17-18 on the third side.
* Only the traces of the upper part of some aksharai are visible. * This is the left side of the pillar. There are the symbols of the sun and the moon above the writing.
• Metre : Upendravajnd. This stanza forme a part of the description of the ancestry of the hero of the prados and apparently speaks of the latter's grandfather.