(referred to above), and Parchlapalli. The last line of the extant part of the writing on the fourth side ends with the aksharas umarus, the reference probably being to a god called Umamahēšvara in whose favour certain grants may have been nade.
The importance of the inscription lies in the fact that it throws some light on the fainily of Mallikarjuna known from the Gaya inscription. It also gives us the names of two rulers of the Chinnur Taluk under the Kakatiya king Ganapati.
The location of many of the geographical names occurring in the inscription has already been discussed. Some of the localities mentioned cannot be traced on the maps.
First Side
1. Sri-Mathtrakūta-Gopljana. 2 vallabhaya namaḥ | Dartë ni3 [dh]āya hastai jayanti pibataḥ 4 stanam Gajamukhasya | pushka5 ra-vāri-tushārā mātus-chi6 [ku]rēshu mauktika-vilāsā) |[| 1*" 7 [Kõlas-chakāsti bhuvana-traya-mi8 la-karda[h]* pātāla-kardamishu vä9 rddhi-jalëshu yapmāt | Svarņņādri10 kosara-karā lain=arāla-dashtri.
11 nālam mahi-valayam=utpalam=i
12 virässt || [2*}' Asti prasasti-sa
13 l'(li) pravēša-gpiham-akhila-dēka-ratn[@]14 nār(nām) Alak-anukāri-vibhavam Amdhral-ma
1 From impressions. The damaged letters at the beginning and end of most of the lines, many of which aro completely lost, have been conjecturally restored in square brackets.
* This is the front side of the pillar. There is a figure of the god Gapăsa above the writing.
• There is a danda at the beginning and end of this line. The second of them was meant to cover a little empty space.
• There is a danda hero to cover a little empty space at the end of tholine.
Metro : Gri. • The visarga sign was originally omitted. * Metre : Vonantatilaka.