21 the East and West Godavari Districts. Of these, Bhimayaram, the headquarter of a Taluk of that name in the West Godavari District, is the most important and may have been the place intended by the writer of the document. As already indicated above, the Kauntēya-gangā is no other than the river Gödāvari or one of its mouths. I am not sure about the location of the village of Dõrapälem. There is no such name in the list of villages in the East or West Godavari District, although thero is one called Dörachintalapálem in the Chodavaram Division of the West Godavari District.
[Metres: verse 1 Vasantatilaka ; Verse 2 Upajāti; Verses 3-4, 9-10 Giti ; verses 5-6 Mālabhāriņi; verses 7-8 Anushțubh ; verse 11 Sārdūlavikridita ; verse 12 Arya ; verse 13 Salini.]
First Side
1 Tasy=ānujaḥ Parasurama iti prasidhdhõ(ddho) nämnă padēna Harichanda2 na dva sākshāt | yaṁ prāpya yāti vibudhāḥ paripūrạna-kāmāḥ 3 samprartthit-ardha(etha)-pa(pha)ladam harid-anta-k[Yrttim(rttim) [ 1* Tasy-ánujo
Rāma iti 4 pratito Rāma-traram yad=guna-vaibhavai[h*) svaiḥ | gunaiḥ pratāpais=cha ya5 sõbhir-uchchai[h*] smțitēņı kațāksham nayatē janānām(nām) | [2] Abhavad=amalo
gun-au6 ghair=uditaḥ ki(ki)rtyā cha Parasurama-vibhāḥ | Uday-achalād=iv=ēndus-su7 dhayā Raghudēva-rāja-kula-tilakaḥ 1[13*]* Putrikçito mahimnā Kapila8 svara-dartirāja-simhēna dig-vijay-arjita-yalasă Raghudēva-narē9 ṁdra-pătra-simhô=yam(yam) [] 4*)' Raghudēva-narēndra-rāja-simhē vipulām sāsa10 ti Kārtavirya-kalpē girayaḥ paripaṁdhi(thi)nām=abhūvann=uta sarv-āssa(psa)rasām
ku11 chỗ niva[B]8h || 5*] Raghadễva-narẽndra-bhutalẽndrõ rang-Bannha-vidhãyi12 ni pra[kā]mam(mam) | Saranam cha raņē tadhā(thā) bhajamtē charaņē vă maranam ripu
pra13 vi(vi)rāḥ ICI 6*° Asti Kausika-vambyānām=agranih(pīḥ) kula-sēkharaḥ | khyāto Bhi
(Bhimavara-stā(sthā)14 na Sūri-bhattu(tta)s=sudhisvaraḥ [ 7*] Tat-putraḥ Simgana(n-a)chāryā vēda-vēd-artthalo.
1 From impressions. * This is verse 17 of the Raghudēvapura grant with slight change in the last foot. • Better read yo gunao.
Read ampitaib or srutai). . This stanza introducing a new name in the Gajapati genealogy is not found in the Raghudovapura grant.
. This is verse 18 of the Raghudôvapura grant, although there is some difference in the wording of the second half of the stanza.
* This is verse 20 of the Raghudēvapura grant with some diffierenoe in the wording of the last foot . This is verse 23 of the Raghudēvapurs grant. . This is verse 24 of the Raghudēvapurs grant with slight difference in the first foot. 10 Better road vddanga, although the reading id-artha on aluo bo supported.