No. 1]
Fifth Plate, Second Side
143 yachatē Ramacha[m]draḥ |[| 3*] Ek=aiva bhagini(nl) lōkē sarvēshām ēva bhūbhujām(jām) | na bhōjyä na ka
144 ra-grähyä vipra-datta vasuhdhar | 4*] Sva-datti[d]dvi-gupath punyah para*]datt-Anupalanath(nam) |
145 para-dat-pahārīna eva-dat[t]amh nishpa(alpha)lamh bhaves [5] Dana-palanayō[r]= madhya(dhye) dinafchehri(ch=chhr)]
146 yōnupalanam(nam) | dānāt=[*]varggamaväpnoti pälanid-achyutah padath(dam) [6] Sva-dattam pa
147 ra-dattām vā yō harēta vasuṁdharāṁ(rām) | shashtir-varsha-sahasrani vishṭhāyāṁ jiya
148 të krimi
7] Raghudevapurasy=ai[tad-Ra]ghudēvas[7]a [kaa]nāt | ĀduvilaNrsimhve(be)na [ka*]
149 dhi(thi)tam dharma-sasanam(nam) || [8*]1
2 Dōrapalem Grant of 1455-56 A.D.
This is a stray plate inscribed on both sides. It is 8 inches in length and 5 inches in height and contains altogether 26 lines of writing, 14 lines on the obverse and 12 on the reverse. There is a hole (about & inch in diameter) nearly inch inside from the left border of the plate. The hole was no doubt meant for a ring bearing the seal of the donor of the grant in question, on which several inscribed plates including the one under study must have been strung. But the ring with the seal and the other plates of the set are now lost. The plate weighs 33 tolas.
The inscription is fragmentary and represents only the central part of a charter. The whole record was probably incised on three plates. The last line on the reverse of the extant plate shows clearly that only a few lines more were required to complete the document which must therefore have ended on the inner side of the next plate. The writing on the obverse of the plate begins with a complete stanza introducing the father of the donor (Raghudeva) as the younger brother of one who must have been mentioned in one or more verses engraved in the lower part of the inner side of the previous plate. The stanza in question is also found in the Raghudevapura grant of which it is the seventeenth verse. Considering the fact that the present plate contains about 7 stanzas (engraved in 14 lines) on the obverse and 51 stanzas (incised in 12 lines) on the reverse, the entire matter of the first sixteen stanzas of the Raghudevapura grant (running upto a little more than 30 lines and almost entirely covering both the sides of plate I which is slightly bigger in size than the present plate) would have covered a little above two faces of one plate of the size of the plate under study. But it is interesting to note that the description of the donor in the present charter (verses 3-6, i.e. four stanzas only) is much shorter than in the other record (verses 18 ff. in lines 33 ff., more than ten stanzas). It therefore looks very probable that the number of stanzas in the introductory part was considerably smaller in this record than in the Raghudevapura grant. In any case, only one plate, with the beginning of the document inscribed probably on the inner side, seems to be lost.
1 This is followed by three floral designs. There is also an ornamental design in the right hand part of the space below the writing. This was the symbolical representation of the donor's signature on the original document later incised on the plates.