(VOL. XXXIII Naipasimha's son Malla who had become ashamed at the [possible) calamity of Sambhu (i.e. the Sivalings called Madhukēbvara) being broken away [in the state of neglect from which he was then suffering). It may be pointed out that it was not the intention of the author to repeat in this part anything from the prose section excepting the date and that the mention of the reigning. monarch and his viceroy is in the same connection. The installation ceremony took place at night, which fact is of course not mentioned in the date of the record given in the prose part. The verses give the additional information that the nakshatra on the date in question was Rõhiņi.
Verse 3 is in praise of the god Mahēsvara (i.e. Siva in the form of Madhukēsvara) who received re-installation. There is no mention of king Mahāmada or Mahamada in this stanza as suggested by Mr. Desai. The next stanza (verse 4) prays for Madhukēśvara's favour in granting the desires of Malla's heart. Verse 5 speaks of a sāsana or grant (probably of land) which was made in favour of Madhukēévara by a person named Vaijāditya and states that this grant was honoured by certain rulers including one named Usyarasimha who was probably a local chief. Mr. Desai considers this stanza to be a passage in prose and speaks of Vijāditya who wrote (.e. drafted) the charter and was respected by Syara Sihādārāja'. He further identifies Syara Sihādārāja with Syara Mallika of line 8.
The last two lines of the inscription, which are damaged, appear to contain some personal names. These persons may have been witnesses to the grant made by Vaijāditya in favour of the deity.
TEXT: 1 Siddham || svasti éri-sa[k]ā 1248 Kshaya-samvatsarö | Karttiko 2 sudi 15 Somē | ady=éha samasta-rāj-āvali-mal-ālam3 krita-virājita-mahārājādhirāja-bri-suratāna-Maha4 madah(da)-räjyē tat-pada-padmāpajivirtasarnā-bhāra-[nirū]. 5 pita-mahāpradhāna-Mallika-Kāmadina(nē) Mahārāshtra-mam6 dalē samasta-mudrā-vyāpā[*)n paripamthayati [i*]ty=ēvam kā7 lē varttamānē Ka(Ka)lyāņapurē tamnirõpita -Sho(Kho)jāAhama8 da-Jamdamalari tarē Syāramallika[tva]m gata(tē)" | Vā(Bā)ha[va]dinnu-7 . 9 viparyayē Madhukēsvaradēva-sam (sāṁ)nidhyēs Kārņāța-lõkē(kaih) amja10 na[m] vudhikritamo jalparta1o dēva[h*] [4]õdhaniya[h*) tatra kim na hitta
From impressions. * Expressed by symbol. * Read padm-opajivita-sarva.
Read tan-nirūpita. • Sandhi has been avoided here.
Joshi: Khaja Ahamada Jandra (Makhatard] Saré Malikatranga; Desai : Ahamada[6] Jandamala(lah) lasthatha)] [Syå]ra-Mallikantam(k-arthan or "k-antikan) gata(tau). The errors in Joshi's transcript have not been noticed in all cases. His readings have often been quoted after removing misprints and inserting diacritical marks. Some minor differences with Desai's transcript also have been left unnoticed.
* Joshi : Syaha Badinu ; Desai : Bahabadinu. I have doubts whether the letter b has been used in the name. The mark inside the loop of the letter preceding di may be a flaw in the stone.
* The reading may also be samnidhau.
. Read baddhikritam. Joshi : sannidhau Kärnáta-lokt anjanah kritam; Desai: samh[tiya(bhithyan)] Karnata 1878(kaid) arhjana-rudhilbuddhib) kritam(a).
10 Read jalpamti.
11 Joshi : Igatahj ta dan Mianmain latra kin=nahi; Deeai: jalanta-deva[t8 dha nila ata kish na hi (jal. antar-daivatdedhad kshtyatleira kish na 18).