(VOL. XXXIII At the end (line 12), the inscription once again refers to the grant of the field made by the king in the village of Malaxa.
Prithivi-parvata, whence the grant was issued, Kupalakata-dēsa, which included the village where the gift land was situated, and the village of Malāra are the three localities mentioned in the record. It is not possible to identify them. Prithivi-parvata seems to have been named after king Prithivimallavarman. Kupalākata-dēša is apparently the same as Kupalapakațāhāradēla mentioned in record A edited above. There is a place called Malowli in the Goa territory, though it is not possible to say whether it represents the village of Malára mentioned in the record.
First Plate 1 Dittham (Dfishtam) [I*] Vijaya-Pșithivi-parvvatāt Bhojānăm Prithivimallavarmmaño
vachanā[t] dēsē 2 Kupalakatē grāmē Malārē su-grāmo varttamāna-bhavishyad-bhõjak-ayuktaka-sthāyy-a3 dayő vaktavyāḥ [l*) yath=āsmābhir=asmat-pu[ny-7]pachaya-vivsiddhy-arttham'=atra
grāma-si4 me Kapõti-khajjanam=asmai Brāhmaṇāya Bharadvāja-sagotrāy=Agnivēśyāya
Second Plate, First Side 5 Dämäryyāyrödakēna sampradattam [l*] jñātv=aivam na kēnachid=vyamsayitavyam yo
v=ā[tra] 6 rāga-dvēsha-lobha-mada-ma(mā)tsaryy-ādibhir=abhibhūt-ātma vyamsanāṁ kuryyat=sa
7 mahäpätak-õpapātaka-samyukta[b*) syād=iti [l*] khajjana-maddhyastho=pi (yü)paka[h]* 8 Brāhmanāy=aiva datta iti [1] dattam patrakar samvva 20 5 Śrāvana-sukla diva
10 [5] [l*] 9 likhitam=ētach=cha Kamboja-sagötrēņa Buddhadāsēn=ā[tra) ch=ājñāptir=
Nnidhivara[h] [1]
Second Plate, Second Side 10 [kha]jjana-parimānam sētavas=cha [l*] pūrvvata[h] (påshä]na[h]
pi (pāshāņa-vīthi] 11 aparato Vēsimikā uttaratö nadi . .. kha[lā]-sthā[na)-pari[māņam] 12 avya[ın*]sit[0] Malara-simēsmābhis=sampradattēti ||
1 From photographs. • This word is unnecessary.
• Better read opachay-arihan". · Can this be a mistake for kipakah ?
Road datta idi.