No. 9] TWO GRANTS OF BHOJA PRITHIVIMALLAVARMAN 5 ņāya Agni[vē]øya-sagātrāya Mā[dh]vāryyāya kshētra-halam(lah) nila-dāma-vaprakah
Second Plate, First Side 6 sarvva-parihțital-parihāraḥ udakēna sampradattaḥ [l*] tad=ēvam jñātrā na kēnachit 7 vyansitavyah! yo=smat-kul-ābhyantarõ=nyā vā rīga-dvēsha-lõbha-möha-mada-mātsaryyā8 [di]bhi(bhi)r=ddöshair-abhibhūto him'syāt sa-pancha-mahāpātak-õpapataka-sariyukta[h*]
syād=iti [*] 9 dattā pațţikā varddhamānaka-samvval prathama(mē) Jyēshtha-śukla-divasē
trayodaśyām [l*] 10 atra sa-mukh-ājñāpti[h 1*] Nēllika-bālikāyāḥ Chētasādovyāḥ dānam=iti i
Second Plate, Second Side 11 Dõ[va]šarmm-āchäryyāna(ņa) Bharadvāja-ssa(sa)götrüņa li[khJitam=iti !
The set consists of two plates, each measuring about 8.2" by 2.2" and having a hole on the left margin (about in diameter) for the ring to pass through. The ring and the seal are not found. The first plate is engraved on the inner side only while the second plate bears writing on both the sides. The first plate contains four lines of writing, the first side of the second plate five lines and the second side of the second plate three lines only. Thus there are in all twelve lines of writing. Some letters in lines 10 and 11 are damaged while the rest of the writing is well preserved. The characters are the same as those employed in inscription A above.
The grant is issued from the victorious Prithiviparvvata. The charter is addressed by king Prithivimallavarman of the Bhoja dynasty, who is introduced without any royal title as in record A above, to the present and the future Bhõjakas, Ayuktakas and Sthāyins. The object of the charter is to record the grant of a field called Kapoti-khajjana, situated in the village of Malāra included in Kupalākața-dēśa made by the king for his own merit. The donee was one Dāmārya of the Bhāradvāja götra, who is also called Agnivēsya. The word khajjana occurs in the Argă plates of Käpälivarman referred to above as Pukkolli-khajjana. Apparently it is the same as the modern Marathi and Konkani word khājaņ which means 'a rice-field created out of the nullah of a sea-shore by putting embankments after the ebb-tide." The inscription further states (lines 7-8) that a yūpaka standing in the midst of the field was also given to the donee. The word yüpaka may be a mistake for kūpaka.
The record is dated in the year 25 (expressed in numerical figures), Śrāvana-sukla 15. The year apparently refers to the king's regnal reckoning, thereby showing that Pțithivimallavarman ruled for about 25 years at least. The charter was written by Buddhacläsa of the Kamboja gotra while its executor was Nidhivara.
The boundaries of the gift land are mentioned in lines 10-11 as follows: in the east the rocks ; in the south also the rocky path ; in the west a locality called Vësimikā; and in the north a river,
1 Better read parihțita-sarrrao • Anusvāra is engraved inside the loop of the medial i sign of hi. * Better read eamratsurē. . Read mva. * There are traces of an unnecessary virarga-liko mark after na. • There is a visargn-like mark after it. It is part of the punctuation mark indicating the end of writing. Cf. Maharashtra-dablakõsa, s.v. See also above, pp. 52-54.