(VI) And, when I issue an order orally in connection with any donation or proclamation or when an emergent work presses itself upon the Mahāmātras (and) in case there is, in connection with that matter, a controversy among (the Ministers of) the Council or an argumentation1 (in the Council in favour of a particular view), the fact must be reported to me immediately at any place and at any time.
(VII) Thus have I ordered.
(VIII) I am never complacent in regard to (my) exertion and the dispatch of people's business (by me).
(IX) I consider it my (only) duty (to promote) the welfare of all men.
(X) But exertion and prompt dispatch of business (lie at) the root of that.
(XI) There is verily no duty which is more (important to me) than promoting the welfare of all men.
(XII) And whatever effort I make is made in order that I may discharge the debt which I owe to all living beings, that I may make them happy in this world, and that they may attain heaven in the next world.
(XIII) Therefore this record relating to Dharma has been caused to be written by me (on stone) for the following (purpose, viz.) that it may last for a long time and that my sons and grandsons may exert themselves for the welfare of all men.
(XIV) This, indeed, is difficult to accomplish without the utmost exertion.
Rock Edict XIV
1 (I) iyam dha[m]ma-lipi Devanaṁpiyena Piyadasin[a]2 lājinā
2 li[kha]pitā [*] (II) athi yeva sam[khi]tena athi majhimena athi vitha
3 [tena] [*] (III) no hi savatā sa[ve] gha[ti]te cha [*] (IV) mahalake hi vijite bahu cha
4 likhite likhapay isami cb-eva nikayaṁ [*] (V) athi chu heta [pu]na [pu]na la
5 [pite tasa tasa] aṭhasa mādhuliyāye ena [ja]te(ne) tatha
6 [patipajeya] [*] (VI) [se siya ata ki]chhi asamati likhite
7 desam vā sam[khā] saṁkhāyāyā kālanaṁ va' alochayitu
8 lipika[l-apala]dhena vā ti [[*]
(I) This record relating to Dharma has been caused to be written by king Priyadarsin, Beloved of the Gods.
(II) (In the series of records) there are, for sooth, (texts written) in a concise form, or in a medium form, or in an elaborate form,
1 The word nijhats is derived from the verb nijhapayati meaning to convince'. The verb is the same as anunijhapayati in the passage anunayati anunijhapayati in Rock Edict XIII, lines 18-19 (XIII).
* According to Chakravarti, the letter looks like na on the rock.
Chakravarti: onkhitena.
Chakravarti sami.
• Chakravarti: : yena.
These two aksharas are redundant.
* Chakravarti : và