No. 1)
Rock Edict VI
• (below Rock Edict III) 1 (I) (Devānampiye) Piyadasi lāj[a] hevan āha [l*] (II) (atikamtam amtalam] no hūta..
puluve savam kalan atha-ka[m]me pațive[da]nā (vā] [l*] (III) se mamaya hevam kate
[I*] (IV) (savam] kālam 2 [adamānasao]lodhana[si] [gabh-āgālasi] [va]chasi vinitasi uy[ā]nasi savatā pațive[dakā]
a[tham) ja[nasa) pati[ve]dayatu me [[*] (V) savata cha janasa) a[tham] 3 [kachhāmi hakam] [I*(VI) [yam] pi [cha kichhi mu]khate a[napa]yāmi hakari
dā[pa]kam vă săvakam vā [e] vă minā mahām[ā]tehi atiyāyike alop[i]te hoti tāye athāye 4 [vivade) nijhati sva) samtam pasligāye fanamtalile yenā [pa*ltivedataviya-mate? mle savata]
savam kālam [l*] (VII) hevam anapayite mamayā [l*] (VIII) (nathi) hi mo tose uthānasio 5 atha-sa[m]ti[lanāye cha)' [I*] (IX) kațaviya-mate [hio me sava-loka-hite] [l*] (X)
[tasa) cha mina esa müle uthäne astha]-sarutilană cha [l*] (XI) nathi hi kammatalo
sava-loka-hitena [l*] (XII) am cha kicbhi 6 palakaināmi hakain kiti bhūtānam ananiye yeham hide cha käni sukhāpayāmi palat[a] cha
sva(su)vagań [ā]lādhaya(tu) [1*] (XIII) se etāyel: [i]yam dham[ma-lipi] [le*]khita chila
thiti[ka]13 hotu 7 tathā cha me puta-natāle palakama[m]tu sava-loka-hitāye [I*] (XIV) dukale chu kho
iyam amna[tā] agen[ā] pala kamena [l*]
TRANSLATION (I) Thus saith king Priyadarsin, Beloved of the Gods.
(II) Formerly, in the ages gone by, there was no transaction of state-business and no reporting (of incidents to the king) at all hours.
(III) So I have made the following (arrangement).
(IV) The reporters should report to me the affairs of the people at any time and place, whether I am engaged in eating (or) in the harem (or) in the bed-chamber (or) on a promenade (or) in the carriage (or) on the march."
(V) And I am now attending to people's affairs at all places.
* Many of the passages of the edict are indistinot on the impressions, * Chakravarti: aha. • Chakravarti. huta.
Chakravarti: "These letters are indistinct on the rock." The word me is added before this word in the other versions. • According to Chakravarti, these letters are partly visible on the rook Chakravarti : [ho]ti vedataviya-mate. Chakravarti: uthanasi. He also reads uthäne in line 5 (X) and afhaye in line 3 (VE).
Chakravarti: "Those letters are faintly visible on the rook." # Chakravarti : "The letter is indistinot on the rock." 1 Chakravarti: Sragam. 1. The word athaye is omitted here. 1 Cakravarti : thitik[e]. 14 The word uyana (Sanskrit udyana) is generally taken to mean's pleasure garden."