75 नात्स्वर्गमवाप्नोति पालनादचु तं पदं ॥ 76 रतावा यो हरत वसुंधरा[म् ।"] 77 पि विष्टायां जायते क्रिमिः ॥ [28] 78 वैषामेव भूभुजां [] 79 वसुंधरा ॥[21 *] स्वदत्तांद्दिगुणं पुण्यं परदत्तानुपाल
न भोग्या न करयाचा विप्रद
80 नं [*] परदत्तापदारेण वदतं निष्फलं भवेत् ॥ [25* ] सामान्यो81 यं धर्मसेतु नृपाचां काले काले पालनीयो भवद्भिः । सर्वा
82 नियतानुम्नाविन[: *] पार्थिवेंद्रान् भूयो भूयो " याचते रामचंद्र [: 26* ] 83 श्रोविरूपाक्ष "
[22] खदत्तां [प] - षष्टिवर्षसच [चा]-"
Verse 1. Adoration to Sambhu (Śiva).
V. 2. Adoration to Ganesa
V. 3. Adoration to Varaha.
Vv. 4-5. On earth, as the fruit of its tapas, was born Yadu in the family of the Moon, which came out of the ocean of milk and is worn by Śiva on his head.
एकेव भगिनी लोके स
Vv. 6-7. In his race was born a king named Sangama. His middle son was Bukka, who resembled the jewel kaustabha among other jewels.
Vv. 8-9. To him by Gaurāmbikā was born a son, named Harihara, who was gentle and famous. The renown of his making the sixteen great gifts (mahädana) redounded even beyond the fourteen worlds.
Bond यु. Bend 81.
Vv. 10-12. His son was Pratāpa-deva-Raya, who appeared the embodiment of the happiness of his subjects. He conquered his enemies in battles by the prowess of his arms and obtained the favour of Vijaya-Lakshmi ( goddess of Victory ). To him, as husband of Dēmāmbikā, was born the prince Vijaya-Bhupati.
Vv. 13-18. The queen of Vijaya Bhūpati was Nārāyanambika. As the fruit of the meritorious acts done by them in their previous birth, Deva-Raya was born to VijayaBhupati and Nārāyaṇambika and distinguished himself on earth. He is compared to Vikramāditya in valour, to Bhoja in his bhōga (P) and to Raja-raja (ie. Kubēra ) in his munificence. The kings of the Anga, Kalinga, Vanga, etc., countries did homage to this king, holding châmaras and other royal insignia in their hands. He bore the birudas Raj-adhiraja, Raja-param-dvarn, Bhashatilanghi bhopala-bhujauga Maru-riyars-ganda Para-raja-bhayan kara and Hindu-räya-suratrāna.
• Read दत्तां
● Bend कृमि:
V. 19 to the end of line 41. Deva-Raya, who, seated on his ancestral throne in Vijayanagara, which has the Tungabhadra as its ditch, ruled the earth, made the grant of the villages of Pānda-mangalam, Tirunālūr, Séranaibanda-pervma-nalūr and Sunopuha-nalür to the god Ranganatha. The gift was made in the Saka year 1349, which is given by the chronogram dhivaloka and which corresponded to the (cyclic) year Plavanga, on a Monday
8 Read "पहारेण वदतं.
Read भूयो भूयो.
[Read हार - Ed.]
10 Bead 'मैतान् भाविन :
This line is written in Telugu-Kannada characters.
Read पष्टिं हस्राणि
Read of.
• Read.