No. 17.]
Second plate; second side. 46 spishtāḥ kula-kshmäbhpitaḥ 22 Yas-cham amdalika-Pitāınahaḥ 11
mamdalika-bhāra-samkharuh mamalika47 dhādhi-tadakah paśchima-raya-vibhāda ahas | Tēna śrl-Rāma-tosh-ahita-nija
padavim bhumjatā 48 Kauņkaņē=smin dvātrimsad-brābmaņēbhyo nava-nidhi-sahito=dāyi Vaul-abhidhanaḥ
117 grāma[h*) sviy-ishta-sim-Avadhi 49 Vara-vidhină Sisațēr-madhya-bhāge bhoktavyaḥ svairam=ētair-drija-vara-vpishabhair
āśisho=smai dadad bhiḥ || [18] 50 Tasya Āghätäḥ parvato dēva-sri-Kāmēgvara-grāmaḥ dakshinataḥ Sitale. • svaraḥ paschimato dva-sri51 Khõpēsvara-palli Sambhavajā uttarataḥ sambhavaja-nadi [1] évam chatur
aghātā) [1] sva-simä-paryamtasetrina 52 kasht-odak-opetah -vriksha-māl-akulah khari-vora-vedh18-aahito Vaul-abhidhāno
grāmaḥ śrl-Achyuta-nāyakna 53 dvātrimsad-brāhmaņēbhyo dattaḥ [] to cha brāhmaṇiḥ Gärgya-gotriyah
Vishnu-dikshita Bhānu-buta vamtakaḥ ekah 1 54 to These lines are wanting.
Third plate. 69 Jámadagna-Vatsa-gotriya Śrā(AP)u-prabhu Vishna-prabhu-suta vam 1 Atri
gotriya Bachhüm 10-nayaka Rå70 ghava-nā[ya"]ka-suta vam 1 Jāmadagna-Vatsa-gotriya Vāsude-bhatta Marasimha
pandita-suta vam 1 Vasi71 shtha-gotriya Khētamācārya Kộishņāhārya-suta ram 1 Jāmadagna-Vatsa-gotriya
Någado-bhatta Madhava-bhatta72 sata vam i Gautama-gotriya Śrā(Ā?)a-bhatta Somanātha-ghaisāsa-suta vam 1
Bhāradvāja-gotriya Nāgado-bha 73 tta Purushottama-bhatta-euta vam 1 Bbåradväja-gotriya Råmösva(bva)ra-bhatta
Po(So?) inadē-bhatta-suta vam 1 Cbamdrátroya
For the text of this side I am wholly dependent upon that given by Mr. Wathen, which is at very correct, and has no division of lines. Moreover Mr. Watlen's pandit, after copying the name of the first Brahman in the list, has suppressed all the other names, writing instead the words aparë ökatrifat-sankhyarah, (“thirty-ono other persous"), and then proceeding to the words ēvan brahmana . . . pradat[t]on II. 7-8 of the next face, which he copied out, but incorrectly. It being desirable always to have the texts of records in lines, numbered, for purposes of reference, I have arranged this text here, as far as we have it, ia that way: but my division of the lines is only conjectural, because Mr. Wathen's pandit did not sbow the record in that form, and no there is no plain guide, after line 46, as to the exact syllable with which each line began. * Apparently a mistake for 17.
Corrapt. • Corrupt; perhaps we might read odhöfi-lådakah.
Probably a blunder for anti. Singularly enough, ahe is the Marathi for asti, and Mr. Wathen's pandit may have unconsciously tranelated agli iuto ahe. • Meire: Srag ihara.
* Probal.ly we ought to write a single danda. . I give these words with due reserve; see below, p. 206, note 2, for the translation,
. For the concouts of this face we have the testimony of the ink.impression, supplemented by Mr. Wat ben' text for the last two lines (see above wote 1). 10 The chhi is rather uncertain, and the anusvåra may be due to an accident.
2D 2