The inscription, after the words 'óm, adoration to the Omniscient,' opens with a verse in which the holy Mahaviradêva, 'the youngest of the Jinas,' is desired to bestow welfare. It then (in verses 2-7) gives the following genealogy of the grantor :---
In the Châhumâna race there was first at Naddûla the king Lakshmana. His son was Sôhiya, and his son Baliraja. After him came his paternal uncle Vigrahapala. His son was Mahendra, his son Anahilla, and his son Bâlaprasada. His brother was Jendrarâja, and his son Prithivipâla. His brother was Jójalla, and his younger brother Asârâja, whose son was Alhaṇadeva. Nothing of historical importance is said about any of these chiefs.
According to lines 33-38, the dûta of this grant was the minister, appointed to the secretaryship (érikarana), Lakshmidhara, the son of Dharanigga, of the Prâgvâța race; and the grant was composed and written by Sridhara, the son of Vasala (Visala ?), who was the son of Manôratha, of the family of the Naigamas. The inscription ends with the words this is the own hand (i.e. sign-manual) of the Mahárája, the illustrious Âlhaṇadeva.'
Naddûls of course is the modern Nadol where the plates were obtained, and where the temple of Mahavira to which the grant was made apparently still exists. The date of the grant, for the expired Chaitrádi Vikrama year 1218, regularly corresponds to Sunday, the 6th August A.D. 1161, when the 14th tithi of the bright half of Sravana ended 15 h. 35 m. after mean sunrise.3
First Plate.
1 Om Om namah Sarvvajñâyah Disatu? Jina-kanishthaḥ karmmavam (bat) dhakshayishthaḥ parihrita-madamârakrôdha
2 lôbhadivarah | duritasikhari-samvaḥ8 STO(TO)vyach
tribhuvanakrita-sêvaḥ śri-Mahavi
hi |
3 radêvaḥ || [1] Astilo parama -jalanidhi jagati-tall Châhumana-vamśô tav(tr)-âsin-Nadû(ddû)lê bhûpaḥ
4 śri-Lakshmana Adauls || [2] Tasmâd-va (ba) bhuva putrô råjå śrî
Sôhiyas tad-anu sûnuḥ śri-Va(ba)lirajô rå5 ja Vigrahapalô-nu cha pitṛivya(vyaḥ) || [3*] éri-Mahendradev-akhyab taj-jaḥ śri-16
Tasy-at-anjo bhápalab
18 Read fauryavrittisobh-ddhyab.
[4] Tat-sânuḥ śrî
6 Anahilô (116)17 aripati-vard-bhût-prithula-têjab II Va(ba) laprasada ity-ajani pârthiva
7 śrêshthaḥ
tad-bhrât-Abhâ[t]=kshitipaḥ subhaṭaḥ śri-Jendraraj-akhyaḥ || [5] Sri-Prithivipáló-bh[t]-tat-patrabil
1 Compare above, Vol. VIII. p. 209, line 8 of the text. Above, Vol. III. p. 317, 1. 45, érikarana by itself is used to denote the official ('a secretary').
2 See the Imperial Gazetteer of India, Vol. X. p. 142.
Compare Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. p. 30, No. 35.
From a photo-lithograph prepared under the superintendence of, and supplied to me by, Dr. Fleet. 5 Denoted by a symbol.
Read jidya.
Read -famvah, a thunderbolt.'
10 Metre of verses 2-9: Âry.
7 Metre: Mâlini.
This sign of punctuation is superfluous.
11 For the sake of the metre for jagatt-tals.
13 Read pas-ch-ádav.
18 Mr. Dhruva's text has Lohiyas; but Sóhiyas is quite clear in the original. The same name, Sohiya, I
find above, Vol. VIII. p. 221, 1. 19, and in another Mount Abû inscription, No. 1699 of Mr. Cousens' List.
14 Read dbhavat.
15 This sign of punctuation is superfluous.
16 Here and elsewhere the f of frf has purposely not been changed to y before a vowel, compare below, lines 9 and 88, frt-Alhana, and other passages in B. and C. and elsewhere.
17 The name is written Anahilla in B., line 7, and C., line 11, and the same spelling is required here by
the metre.