No. 9.]
when I compiled the List. My object in writing this paper is, to give the genealogy of these ChAham&nas of Naddula, so far as the documents which lately have come to my knowledge enable me to do so. For this purpose I shall give the texts of three inscriptions which the kindness of Dr. Fleet and Mr. Gaurishankar Hirachand Ojha allows me to edit, and an account of the contents of some Mount Abû inscriptions, based on excellent impressions for which we have to thank Mr. Cousens.
These plates were obtained by Colonel Tod, in October 1819, at Nadol, a town in the Jodhpar State of Rajputana, and presented to the Royal Asiatic Society. An account of their contents was given by him in his Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan, Vol. I. p. 804; and the inscription which they contain was edited, in a rather slovenly manner, by Rao Bahadur H. H. Dhruva, in Journ. Bombay As. Soc. Vol. XIX. p. 26 ff. I re-edit it from an excellent photolithograph, prepared under the superintendence of, and kindly placed at my disposal by, Dr. Fleet.
These are two plates, each of which measures abont 8}" broad by 6" high. The first plate is inscribed on one side only, and the second on both sides. The edges of the inner sides of them are fashioned slightly thicker, so as to protect the writing, and the inscription is in a state of perfect preservation. Both plates contain a hole for a ring, but the ring and any seal that may have been attached to it have not been preserved. The characters are Nagari. The language is Sanskrit, and the greater part of the text is in verse. In respect of orthography it will suffice to state that the letters b and v are both denoted by the sign for e, and that the dental sibilant is often used for the palatal. The text contains a considerable number of clorical mistakes, most of which can be easily corrected. Other mistakes are shown by the metre to be due to the author himself, who POBBessed no accurate knowledge of Sanskrit. Of these I would point out here merely the wrong sandhi in sprihayan=amaratán (for sprihayann=amaratán) in line 17, the meaningless -pragunibhátápasavyakah panih (for-pragunibhấtápasavyapánih) in line 21, and the omission of some word like viditan before the words vô=stu in line 18. In lines 13, 14 and 16 the potential sydt is need for asti or bhavati.
The inscription records a donation by the Mahardja Ålbanadáva of Naddala. Acoording to lines 18-23, this chief, on Sunday, the 14th tithi (described as mahdchaturdasi-parvan) of the bright half of Bråvaņa in the year 1218, after worshipping the Sun and Isana (Siva) and making gifts to Brahmans and gurus, granted to the Jaina temple of) Mahåviradêve in the Banderaka gachchha, at the holy place? (mahästhana) of Naddala, a monthly sum of five drammas, (to be paid) from the custom-honse (bulka-manda pikál) in the grounds of Naddůla.
See his Annals and Antiquition of Rajasthan, Vol. I. p. 698; my Northern List, No. 141. · Indian Inscriptions, No. 10, not yet published. • For instances where the potential is used for the imperfect see e.g. Ind. Ant. Vol. XVII. p. 185.
• So the name is spelt twice in line 22, and the same spelling is required by the metre in line 3. See above, p. 82, note 4
For the similar use of parean in other dates see Ind. Ant. Vol. X X. p. 418, and Vol. XXV. p. 289 f.
• In Mount Abd inscriptions this gachokha is also called Sandra-gachella and Shandraka-gachella. The town of Sanddra (the Sanderso of the map of the Rajputana Agency) is mentioned below in C., line 16.
1 According to Colonel Tod Nadduls was one of the ancient roata of the Jains.
• For passages in which the term mandapikd occurs, compare eg. Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 114, 1. 27; p. 173, 1.0 (Blyaddniatka-mhandapika); p. 176, 1. 19; p. 177, l. 29 and 1. 80; p. 179, 1. 45; p. 262, 1. 3 (pattand. mandapikd); Ind. Ant. Vol. XIV. p. 10, col. 2 (Sripathd-stha-manda pild); Journ. 43. 800. Bong. Vol. LV. Part I. p. 47, iv., and p. 48, V.; Bldonagar Inser. p. 205, 1. 7. Sulka-mandapild occurs e.g. in Badonagar Ingor. p. 168 f., 11. 10, 15 and 18.- The meaning of mandapikd is muggested by the Marktht mdrhdant, 'custom-house.'
The word talapada (in frf-Nadd dla-talapada-bulkamandapikdydol) is not found in the dictionaries. I take it to be synonymous with, or similar in meaning to soatala, which couro in some of the Valabhi inscriptions, And for which see Dr. Fleet's note above, Vol. VI. p. 166. Compare also Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 889, note 80.