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(V. 5.) Not satisfied with the erection (of this image only), the pious man, desirous of bliss, caused to be built a shrine of Bhavani, which was joined with a very adhesive and bright cement, resplendent with the sound of bells, lovely, attractive, . . . . . . . . (and decorated) with lofty flags and yak-tails.
BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, C.I.E.; GÖTTINGEN. Of the Chahamånas of sakambhari we possess two long inscriptions. One of them is the Harsha inscription of Vigraharaja, edited by me in Ep. Ind. Vol. II. p. 116 ff. It is dated in the (Vikrama) year 1030, corresponding to about A.D. 973, and gives the genealogy of the Chahaminas from Gůvaka I., 'who attained to pre-eminence as a hero in the assembly of the glorious Nágávalóka, the foremost of kinga,' to Vigraharaja. The other is the difficult Bijoli (Bijaoli, Bijolia, Bijholi) rock inscription of the reign of Somèsvara, which has been uncritically edited in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. Vol. LV. Part I. p. 40 #. This inscription is dated in the Vikrama year 1226, corresponding to A.D. 1170, and gives a long genealogy, commencing with Samanta, the reputed founder of the family, and ending with Sômêsvara. Between these two longer records, and subsequently to the second, we have a few shorter inscriptions of the same family, notably the Delhi Siwalik pillar inscriptions of Visaladeva-Vigraharaja of A.D. 1164, and two short inscriptions on the defeat of the Chandella Paramardidêva by the Chåhamana Prithvirája II., of the (Vikrama) year 1239=A.D. 1182. The latest available date for this family is the (Vikrama) year 1244=A.D. 1187.3
From this Sakambhari family there branched off, some time in the first half of the 10th century A.D., another line of Chahamânas (or Chåhumanas), which was founded by the Śåkambhari prince Lakshmana, and which for a long time had its seat of government at Naddula, the modern Nadol in the Jodhpur State of Rajputâna. To this branch of the family there is assigned in my Northern List only a single inscription, No. 141, the Nadol copper-plate inscription of the Maharaja Âlhanadôva of A.D. 1161. But there belong to it also other inscriptions of the List, inscriptions of chiefs whose connection with the family was not known
1 I have already stated elsewhere that the true reading in verse 13 of the Harsha inscription is irfmanNdg anal6ka-pravaranripa-sabhd-laodha(odha)-ofrapratishthah. In my Synchronistic Tablo for Northern India I have suggested that Nagávalóka may be identical with the Pratihara Nagabhata; but this appears to be mistake. A definite date for a king Nagávalóks- apparently the Vikrams year 813 - A.D. 756 - will, so far as I can see now, be furnished by a copper plate inscription which has been quite recently discovered, and of which I have received a photograph from my friend Mr. Ojha. * See above, Vol. VIII. Appendix I. p. 13 f.
See my Northern List, Nos. 144, 176 and 183. So this name is spelt below, in the inscriptions A., B. and C., and in the inscription of Lantigaddva, treated of under D. We find the name spelt in the same way (with dd) in verse 21 of the Bijoli rock inscription, which is quito wrongly given in Journ. As. Soo, Bong. Vol. LV. Part I. p. 42, the actual reading on the stone being Jandlipuran juald-puran kritd Pallikadpi pallapa nadvala-tulyan roshdn-Naddilan yang sawsaw)ryena l. In the inscription at Vimala's temple on Mount Abd, which will be mentioned below, P. 81, the name is Naddla. In verse 42 of the Mount Aba inscription of Samarasimha (Ind. Ant. Vol. XVI. p. 849) it is either Nadddla or Naddala (not Naddla); and in Prof. Weber's Catalogue of the MSS. of the Berlin Library, Vol. II. pp. 1003 and 1004, we find Naddila, Naddvalapura and Naddlapura. In Mr. Kathavate's edition of the Kirtikawwudt, II. 69, and, copied from it, in Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 26, verse 14, we also have Nadula, but this almost certainly is a mistake.
Towards the end of the 19th century A.D. the seat of government was transferred to Javilipur (Alor); and at the commencement of the 14th century a branch of the family took Chandrivati with Mount Abd from the Param&ras.