No. 8.]
5 Himagiri-dikhar-Artha-khôdid-rité-mbhab bhaktô bhakty Sive me parishad-api gunais-tôshita yêna nityam II [3] Tên-ânêka-vidhâna-dikshana-[sataiḥ samsthäpit-1artha-vyayaiḥ"]
6 chandi chanda-narottamånga-rachita-vyâlambi-mâl-ôtkata | sarppat-sarppa-vivêshtit
11-ritta-ruchir villa-ayank
Bhavânyah subha || 4*]
7 [Samstha]py-âpi na tasya [tashtra[bha]vad-yávad-Bhavani-grihah âmala-sandhiva (ba)ndha-ghatitam ghanta-ninâd-ôjva(jjva)lam ramyam drishțiharam silâ
8 [prârâḍha]-dhvaja-châmaram sa[kri]tina érêyê-rthinâ kâritam || [5]
[Om. Hail!] (Verse 1.) Famous is this Varanasi which, having usurped the extent of the abode of the three worlds, is worshipped from afar by passionless people, with their mind solely fixed on liberation from birth and death; at which place was emancipated the gods .. with his attendants; and at the sight of which even the murderer of
a Brahmana, freed of the stain of sin, becomes pure of heart.
(V. 2.) In this (city there was) a place, renowned on earth; [bathed in the white light] of the bright rays of the moon (as they fell on its) lofty turrets; charming with the gracefulness of the wives of the various inhabitants of the [beautiful and extensive] streets; a favourite resort of the moon? engaged in study, interpretation of the Vêdas, (search after) truth, (observance of) vows, muttering of prayers and austerities
(V. 3.) Here lived (a man) named Pantha, who even as a child was well-behaved, handsome, generous, wise, grateful, (and) contented with his earnings in spite of his limited means; (who used to think thus to himself): The god (ambhaḥ) Siva is worshipped by my devotion without the toil of ascending the peaks of the Himalaya, [purified by the waves of the Ganges];' and who constantly gladdened the assembly (of the wise) by (his) virtues.
(V. 4.) By him [was erected at a considerable cost (and) [with hundreds of] different consecrations [a beautiful image of Bhavani], fierce-looking, awe-inspiring owing to a garland formed of gruesome human heads hanging (from her neck); with limbs encircled by crawling snakes, and with dry flesh pierced on an axe; delighting in a sportive dance, (and) with rolling [eyes].
1 Compare the expression samsthapya in 1.7.
2 This syllable is required to complete the word villa.
The restoration of martira, etc., is purely conjectural; but that it is probably correct, may be concluded fron the fact that the epithets chandt, etc., clearly refer to an image of Bhavani. Moreover, since the very next verse records the foundation of a Bhavani shrine, it seems almost necessary to assume that an image of the same goddess should have been placed in this shrine.
Literally, the thief of the extent,' eto.
This passage presumably alludes to Siva's residence at Benares in the Trét.iyuga. See Rajendralal Mitra's Antiquities of Orissa, Vol. II. p. 63.
Literally, whose extent was charming." 7-bhakt-dbhijushtam would be a better reading.-[Or chandra may be meant for mara-chandra, 'au excellent man.'-E. H.]
I do not find the word vydpata in any Sanskrit Dictionary. Vydpritó would be a more appropriate reading. [But ambhah does not mean 'a god.' I would rather conjecture at the end of lisangayd gahamané and translate: devoutly (bhaktah) [entering] the water (ambhah) [of the Ganga].' the following I prefer to join Sivóme and to translate: who daily pleased Siva and Uma by (his) devotion (and their) attendants by (his) virtues.-E. H.]