No. 6.]
Pithapuram inscription and Krishparaja acoording to the Maliyapandi grant (v. 15). In two grants the burning of this Kiranapura, the residence of Krishna and Sankila," is attribated to VijayAditya III. himself. Verse 15 of the Maliyapandi grant informs us that this feat was in reality performed by a military officer named Påndaranga. It is perhaps worth noting that another Råshtrakůta prince named Kfishṇardja is mentioned in a grant of A.D. 888. Between the slaying of Mangi and the victory over Sankila the Maliyapandi grant mentions that Vijayaditya III. defeated the Ganges who took refuge on the peak of Gangakūta. As suggested in the Nellore District Inscriptions (p. 169, note 3), this statement may or may not be a mere variant of one in the Pithapuram inscription, according to which the king burnt Chakrakûţa. He is elsewhere said to have' defeated the unequalled Gangas.'5 Finally the new grant reporta that Vijayaditya III. bore the surname Parachakraráma (1. 14).
The Maliyepûndi grant gives a vivid description of the struggles that took place after the death of Vikramaditya II. Five years passed in continual wars between the rival claimants, among whom Yuddhamalla, Rajamartanda and Karthika-Vijayaditya are mentioned by name. Then Rajabhima (or Chalukya-Bhima II.) succeeded in restoring order by slaying Rajamârtanda, defeating and banishing Kanthika-Vijayaditya and Yuddhamalls, and killing many other rebels. Yuddhamalla (II.) is the son of Tala, to whom one grant of ChålukyaBhima II. attributes & reign of seven years, while two other grants, like the Maliyapandi grant, take no official notice of his reign. Rajamartanda is perhaps the same as R&jamayya in the Kaluchumbarru grant, and he is mentioned also in the Kolavennu plates. In editing these plates I committed a mistake, which has been endorsed by Dr. Fleet10 and Prof. Kielhorn,!! in taking Rajamartanda as a surname of Chålukya-Bhima II. As stated in the Nellore District Inscriptions (p. 170, note 4), the Maliyspundi grant now shows that Rajamartanda was a distinct person. Dr. Floet has already noticed that 11. 17-19 of the Kolavennu plates cuntain & verse, 19 the first half of which I would now, with the help of his remarks, correct as follows:
यस्तातबिक्यनाख्यं धादिं मुधिविराजमार्तण्डी [1] Thus the verse mentions four enemies of Châlnkya-Bhima II. :-Tatabikyana, Dhaladi (or Dhalaga), Munniriva and Rajamartanda. Kanthikd-Vijayaditya, whom the king banished along with Yuddhamalla II., is undoubtedly the same as Kanthik-Beta or VijayAditya V., the son of Amma I. and the ancestor of the Eastern Chalukyas of Pithapuram.18
The subjoined grant was made at a winter solstice (uttarayana, 1: 54 f.). The donee was temple of Jina (Jindlaya) in the south of Dharmapurt (v. 17), which was in charge of a priest of the Yåpaniya-samghalt (v. 18). It had been founded by the Kafakarája (1. 54) Durgarija (v.16) and was named Katakábharana-Jinalaya (v. 17 and 1. 53), ovidently after a surname of the founder. At his request (1. 54) the grant was made, and the grant portion opens with a pedigree of his family. His ancestor Påndaranga is stated to have burnt Kiranapura, the residence of Krishnarija (v. 15), and accordingly must have been a military officer of Vijayaditya III.16 His son Niravadyadhavala was appointed Katakardja (1. 44 f.). His son was the Katakddhipati Vijayaditya (1. 45 f.), and his son was Dargarfja (v. 16).
1 Ind. Ant. VoL XIII. p. 218, text line 17. · South-Ind. Inger. Vol. I. p. 42, verse 10 (compare above, Vol. IV. p. 226 and note 7). + Ind. Ant. VOL. XIII. p. 66.
Compare above, Vol. IV. p. 227. South-Ind. Ingor. Vol. I. p. 42, verse 10.
Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII, p. 214, text line 81. 1 South-Ind. Inscr. Vol. I. p. 44; above, Vol. V. p. 188, note 8. • Above, Vol. VII. p. 181.
• South-Ind. Inser. Vol. I. p. 48 and nota 1. 1. Ind. Ast. Vol. XX. p. 369, and above, Vol. VII. p. 182. 11 Liste of Southern Incor. No. 562.
13 Above, Vol. VII. p. 181 t. 1 Above, Vol. IV. p. 227.
* Compare bid. p. 383 # See notes 1 and 2 above.