the legend is an expanded lotus flower, and above it a running (?) boar facing the proper loft. In front of the boar is an elephant goad, and behind its tail a crescent."
The alphabet is of the same Telaga type as in other grants of the same dynasty and period. No distinotion is made between secondary ô and aut, and secondary i and 4 is often written as i and. Final k occurs in line 32, t in 11. 8, 30 and 51, n in II, 10, 18, 24, 37, 39, 52, and min 11, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 51, 54, 55 and 60. The jihudmaliya is used in 11. 42, 51, and the upadhmaniya in 11. 10, 41, 43, 46 and 51.
The following orthographical irregularities deserve to be noted. Against one of Pånini's rules (VIII. 4, 49) the sh of varsha is doubled in 11. 8 and 11, but not in 11. 13, 18, 25 and 40. Some spellings are due to the Telugu pronunciation. Thus we find yetad (1. 57) for etad, yuttara (ul. 54 f. and 57, but not in 1.59) for uttara, rakshanayayiva (1. 47 f.) for Takshanay=aiva, aruha (1. 50) for arha, krishta (1. 39) for krishna. Dental n is employed instead of lingual in Kiranapuram and krishna (1. 43), punya (II. 49, 50), dbharana (11. 49, 53), ganésa (1. 50), yuttarayana (1. 54 f.). The vowel ri is replaced by ri in krishna (1. 43), sadrifo (1. 52) and kritud (1. 56). The palatal sibilant is improperly used in sanha (1. 50) for sangha and fadri$8 (1.52) for sadrifo.
The language is Sanskrit prose, interspersed with 20 Sanskřit verses. In 11. 56-60 some names of villages, tanks and fields appear in their Telugu forms. At the end of the record the usual imprecatory verses and the names of the Ajñapti, composer and writer are missing.
As the inscription records a grant to a Jaina temple, it opens with an invocation of the Jaina religion (v. 1). LI. 3-41 contain the genealogy of the Eastern Chalukya dynasty down to Samastabhuvandsraya Vijayaditya (VI.) or Ammaraja (II.), the date of whose coronation is given in the same two versos (13 f.) as in his Padankalûru grant. The genealogical portion contains two passages of historical importance, the first (11. 13-16) describing the reign of Vijayaditya III., and the second (11. 22-32) the accession of Chalukya-Bhima II.
The Pithapuram inscription of Mallapadêya reports that Vijayaditya III. slew Mangiraja, burnt Chakrakūta, terrified Sankila, residing in Kinanapura and joined by Krishna, restored his dignity to Vallabhêndra, and received elephants as tribute from the king of Kalinga.' The slaying of Mangi is referred to also in three other inscriptions. The second of them adds the burning of Kiranapura, and the third states that the king, having terrified Krishna and Sankila, completely burnt their city. Hitherto we did not know who Mangi and Sankila were. Verse 3 of the Maliyapûndi grant calls the former the king of the great Nodamba-råshtra' and the second the lord of the excellent Da[hajla.' Thus Mangi seems to have been one of the Pallavas of Nolambavadit and Sankila an early chief of Dåhala (or Chêdi). While two of the abovementioned inscriptions couple the name of Sarkila with that of Krishņa, the Maliyapůndi grant (v. 3) states that Sankila was joined by the fierce Vallabha.' The Nellore District Inscriptions (p. 169, note 5) correctly conclude from this that Sankila's ally Krishna was a Vallabba, i.e. a Rstrakūta. Hence my former identification of this Krishna with the Paramara king Krishộaraju must be wrong, and he may be identified, as was done by Dr. Fleet, with the Rashtrakata king Krishna II. The latter is known to have been connected with the Chêdi family, being the son-in-law of Kokkalla (I.) and the brother-in-law of Sankuka. I feel no hesitation in ideutifying Sankila of Dåhala with Sankuks (or Sankaragana) of Chôdi, the son of Kokkalla I, but am unable to identify Kiranapura, where Sankila resided according to the
Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 16. LI. 23-34 of this grant are identical with 11. 82-41 of the Maliyapandi grant. * Above, Vol. IV. p. 239 .
Above, Vol. V. p. 126, verso 6, Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. p. 213, text line 18 f.: South-Ind. Insor. Vol. I. p. 42, verne 10 (compare above, Vol. IV. p. 226 and notes 7 and 8). • Dyn. Kan. Distr. p. 832 4.
Above, Vol. IV. p. 227. • Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 102.
Ind. Ant. Vol. XII. p. 268.