father and son, if we suppose that both records were written in the first year of their reigns. This is again improbable. These kings moreover had not then gone to Ratanpur.
On the whole, I come to the conclusion for reasons stated above that this grant to Lungå is a lungul affair and was perpetrated somewhere between 1860 and 1870 by a Sanskritist of Ratanpur, whom I do not desire to name out of respect for his Sanskrit learning. I suppose chill penury' induced him to undertake a work which he would not have otherwise done. The record does not show any adequate cause for the grant being made, and it is noteworthy that exactly double the number of villages of those which the Zamindari contained before Mr. Chisholm's settlement were recorded as granted by the Haihaya Raja. It may be noted that when this record was written the change of the tribal name of the donee or his descendants from Kawar to Tawar had not been mooted or at least had not been seriously taken up, otherwise we should not have had the phrase Kauraviya-prasannadhiḥ in verse 3. There is a family genealogy of the Lâphâ Zamindar, written in the year 1927 or 1870 A.D., which shows that the tribal name had then been changed to Tawar.
Sri Krishnachandra
éri-lêkhaka-madrâ chaturasrå.
1 Śri 5 || Svasti riman-mahåråjådhirajaḥ kahiti-nvôkarat || (1) Prithvidêvô
2 hôddarsi-maulyudbhâsi-padâmva(bu)jaḥ || 1 || Haihayâmnaraja-savita sûra-samanta.
3 sêvitab (1) mahôdbhata-bhațâkirna-sainyo vairiganapraha || 2 || Dily-âgata4 susûrâya Lung-Akhyaya mahatmanê (1) dadê vritim vamsaparâm
5 dhib || 3 | Lampha-durgam-ayi(pi) grâma-vimsóttarasatônmitâm (1) samvatsarė 6 ras-abhr-asht-atite Mâgh-asit-adike 4 yê bhavishyamti bhûpâlâḥ på
7 laniya sad-êti taib (1) maddatta likhita tâmra-patrê MadhavasûriSubham-astus || Maghe vadi || 1 || Sammansaré 806.
8 på
The illustrious Krishnachandra.
1 The word in Hindt means "mischievous."
Read kehity-andkardt.
Read fúra-samanta-.
1 Bead vrittim.
The illustrious writer's regular seal. Sri 5. Hail.
(Verse 1) The illustrious Mahárájádhirája Prithvidéva, the king of many countries (is) very intelligent. (His) lotus feet are shining with the diadems (of kings prostrating before him).
The Victorious writ.
(V. 2.) (He is as it were) the sun amongst the descendants of the Haihayas and is served by his brave feudatories. His army is full of very extraordinary soldiers. He is the destroyer of his enemies.
• Bead -astu.
From the original plate. Bead Haibayambhója. Bead sufardya.
• Bead Samvatsari.