(V. 3-4.) His mind being pleased with the Kauraviyas1 (Kawars) he gave to the very brave noble named Lungs, who had come from Delhi, 120 villages with the Lamphå fort, for maintenance from generation to generation, on the first day of the dark fortnight of the Magha month in the expired year (symbolically expressed by) flavour (6) sky (0) and eight (8).
Future kings should always respect my gift written on the copper plate by Madhava Sûr i. Let good fortune attend. The first day of the dark fortnight of Magha in the year 806.
These two plates belong to a Rajput family residing at Abhôna, a village in the Kalavana talaka of the Nasik district. I obtained them on loan through my friend Mr. N. C. Kelkar They are inscribed on one side only, and measure 9"x7". The writing is carefully engraved and is in a good state of preservation.
The characters belong to a variety of the southern alphabet which is well-known from the Sarsavņi plates of Buddharaja edited by Dr. Kielhorn in this Journal, Vol. VI, pp. 294 and ff. They include numerical symbols for 300, 40, 7, 10 and 5 in line 34. The language of the inscription is Sanskrit, and with the exception of five imprecatory and benedictive verses in lines 28-33, the text is in prose.
The inscription is one of Sankaragana, the son of Krishnaraja, of the family of the Kaṭachchûris. It records an order of Sankaragana, issued from his camp at Ujjayini, to the effect that he granted a hundred nivarttanas of land in the village of Vallisiks situated in the district of Bhogavarddhana to a Brahmana named Ahmanasvåmin, of the Gautams gôtra, belonging to the Taittiriya sakha, who was a resident of Kallavana, at the request of Gôgga. The inscription is dated, in words and numerical symbols, on the 15th day of the bright half of Sravana of the year 347,3 which must be referred to the Kalachuri era, so that the date corresponds to the 27th July A.D. 595.
The Kaṭachchari Sankaragapa is identical with the father of Buddharâja, who issued the Sarsavņi grant. The wording of the two inscriptions is practically identical, with the exception of the portion referring to the grants themselves. There is, of course, nothing in our inscription to correspond to lines 14-17 of the Sarsavni plates, which refer to Buddharâja.
Of the localities oocarring in our inscription, Kallavana is the modern Kalavana in the Nasik district. Vallisika and Bhôgavardhana I cannot identify.
In line 20 of the present inscription we find the technical expression a-châța-bhataprávdiyam, which so frequently occurs in other inscriptions, and which has usually been rendered "not to be entered by irregular and regalar soldiers." I invite the attention of Sanskrit scholars to the following passage, in which Sankaracharya uses it,3
tasmát tárkika-chata-bhata-raj-ápravésyam abhayam durgam idam alpabuddhy-agamyam sastra-guru-prasáda-rahitais cha. Anandajñâna gives the following explanation,
advaité virôdh-antar-ábhávé-pi tárkika-samaya-virodhô-st-ity-asanky-dha tasmád iti pramána-virôdh-dbhavas tach-chhabd-árthaḥ aryamaryádám bhindú
1 Or, if we read Kauravdya, "he gave to the very brave and noble Kaurava (Kawar) named Lungå." [In the photo-lithograph 247 has been wrongly printed instead of 847-8. K.]
3 Brihadaranyakópanishadbhdshyaftkd, Auandaarama edition, pp. 311 and ft.