No. 29.)
the same month was Tuesday, the 12th September A.D. 1200. On this day the 3rd tithi of the bright half of Åsvina) commerced 7 h. 12 m., and the nakshatra wus Chitra, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 2 h. 38 m., after mean sunrise.-There seems no reason why the second tithi (dvitiyaiyum) should not have been quoted in the original date instead of the third (tritiyaiyum).
F.-RAJARAJA III. 154.-In the Jambukêśvara temple near Trichinopoly, 1 Svas[ti) r[1] [11] [Tri]bhavanachchakravattiga! fri-Rajarajaddvarkku pandu 24[avada) Mid(a)ga-nayarru purvva-pakshattu
L ékádasiyam Sani-kkilamaiy[u]m perra [$]ódi-nå!. “In the 24th year of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Rajarajadeva,-on the day of Svậti, which corresponded to a Saturday and to the eleventh tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Mithuna."
The reign of Rajaraja III. has been found to commence between (approximately) the 27th June and the 10th July A.D. 1216. This date of the 24th year corresponds to Saturday, the and June A.D. 1240, which was the 9th day of the month of Mithuna, and on which the 11th tithi of the bright half (of Jyaishtha) ended 3 h. 37 m., while the nakshatra was Sváti, by the equal space system for 5 b. 55 m., after mean sunrise.
165.-In the Jambukosvara temple near Triobinopolý. 1 Svas[ti) Suih [1] Tribhu[va]gachchakravarttiga! Sri-Rajarajadávazku yanda
2[97 ávadu] Tula-nâyangu=ppûrvva-[pa]kshattu prathamaiyum [$]evvây
kilamaiyum per- . 2 ra Sodi-nál....
"In the 2[0]th7 year of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious BAjard jadeva, on the day of Svati, which corresponded to & Tuesday and to the first tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Tula."
The dato, for the 20th year, regularly corresponds to Tuesday, the 4th October A.D. 1944, which was the 7th day of the month of Tula, and on wbich the first tithi of the bright half (of Karttika) ended 12 h. 58 m., while the nakshatra was Svati, by the equal space system for 15 h. 46 m., and according to Garga for 3 h. 17 n., after mean sunrise.-For the 26th year of the reign of Rajaraja III. the date would be incorrect.
156.- In the Jambukesvara temple near Trichinopoly. 1 Svast[i] Sri [ll] Tribhu[va)nachcha [kra)vattiga! sri-10 Rajarajadêvarku yandı
29104vadu207 Tulâ-nayarru pürrya-pakshattu prathamaiyum Sevvây
kkakki)[la]maiyum perra Ś[od]i-nåļ. “In the 2[0]th10 year of the reign of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious BAjarfjadeva, on the day of Svati, which corresponded to a Tuesday and to the first tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Tula.”
No. 508 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1905. 1 This name consists of two abbreviations for the word rdja placed side by side. • This word seems to be donoted by flourish added to the second figure of the regual year. • See above, Vol. VIII. p. 260. .No. 601 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1906.
This name consists of two abbreviations for the word nd ja placed side by side. * The second figure of the date might also be 6. . This word seems to be denoted by flourish added to the second figure of the regnal year. • No. 60of the Governmeut Epigraphistio collection for 1905. 20 See the notes on the preceding date.