crowned head of the Pandya, on the day of Pushya which corresponded to a Thursday and to the eighth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Mésha."
The date corresponds to Thursday, the 31st March A.D. 1194, which was the 7th day of the month of Mesha, and on which the 8th tithi of the bright half of the second Chaitra) ended 10 h. 50 m., while the nakshatra was Pushye, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 18 h. 24 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 16 h. 25 m., after mean sunrise.
152.-In the Sivayôganathasvâmin temple at Tiruvisalûr. i Svasti śrill- [Pu]yal våppa . . . . . :. 16 .
. k8=P[p]ra17 k[sa]ri[pa]rmar-[@]ga T[i]ribuva[na]chcha[kka ravattiga! Ma[du]rai[yu]m [Panrai - 18 yan muļi-ttalaiyun-good-aruļi[na
sri-Kald]ttunga-So[)19 dôvarkku yodu padine[t]ţáva[du] Kum[bha)-ndya[x]ra pûr(va)-pakshatta) 20 tri(tri)tiyaiyum Sani-kkilamaiyum P[C]rra (Pa]rattu nâ[1].
“In the eighteenth year (of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulôttunga-Chôļadēva, who was pleased to take Madurai and the crowned head of the Pandya, - on the day of Purva-Phalguni, which corresponded to a Saturday and to the third tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Kumbha."
The wording of this date is intrinsically wrong because on the third tithi of the bright half in the month of Kumbha the nakshatra could not possibly be Purva-Phalguni; and the probability would seem to be that either has the first fortnight been erroneously quoted instead of the second, or Purva-Phulgani (Púrattu) instead of Pärva-Bhadrapada (Púraţtádi). In my opinion, the date corresponds to Saturday, the 3rd February A.D. 1196, which was the 10th day of the month of Kumbha, and on which the 3rd tithi of the bright half (of Phålguna) commenced 5 h. 40 m., while the nakshatra was Purva-Bhadrapada, by the equal space system for 4 h. 36 m., after mean sunrise.
153.- In the Vațåraṇyêśvara temple at Tiruvalangadu. 1 [Sva]sti (sri] [ll] Tribhavanachchakkaravattiga! Maduraiya[m Ijlamum
P[&n]di[y]n muļittalai(yali-go2 [o]d-ara[li]na (sri]-Kulottunga-60[la]a[8]va[r]kku pap(da 2]3 vadu . ..
• Kanni-nayar[ru]-ppadina[råg=di]yadi[y]-A[na] Sevvy-kka (kki)[la]mailya(yu)]m pů[ra]va-(pa]ksha(t)5 tu (tri]tîyaiyum per[ra] Sittirai-na(1).
“In the (973rd year of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulottunga-Chladêva, who was pleased to take Madurai, flam and the crowned hend of the Pandya.-on the day of Chitra, which corresponded to the third tithi of the first fortnight and to a Tuesday which was the sixteenth solar day of the month of Kanya."
The date corresponds to Tuesday, the 12th September A.D. 1200. The preceding Kanya-samkranti took place 20 h. 58 m. after mean sunrise of Sanday, the 27th August ; the first day of the month of Kanye therefore was Monday, the 28th August, and the 16th day of
1 Another inscription of the [1]8th year of the same king with apparently the same astronomical details in found in the same temple (No. 42 of 1906). But the portion, wbere the fortnight, the nakshatra and the tithi may be expected, is damaged. What is actunlly found is (pd) . . . Viydla-kkalamaiyun perra P[attu) 11.
? No. 14 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1907. • Compare the date No. 60, above, Vol. VI. p. 288. • No. 456 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1906.