No. 29.)
It is clear that if, as was assumed above, the reign of Rajadhiraja Rajakeenrivarman commenced between the 28th Febrnary and the 30th March A.D. 1163, neither of the two Wednesdays given above could have fallen in the 13th year of his reign. On the other hand, I may state that if either of the two days really fell in luis 13th year, the other dates would be incorrect. In these circumstances, and assuming thınt, with the exception of the regnal year, the details of the original dato have been given correctly, I can only suggest that the year 13 (which is given in figures only) has been quoted erroneously instead of the 19th year, and that the proper equivalent of the date therefore is really Wednesday, the 8th July A.D. 1181. It might of couryo be chjected that this day would fall in the reign of Kulettanga III. Parak@sarivarman, which commenced between the oth and the Sth July A.D. 1178. But I have already shown that we have a similar overlapping of two reigng also in other cases. A date (No. 94) of the 39th year of Kulottunga Ill. corresponds to the 25th January A.D. 1217, while the reign of his successor Rajaraja III. coramenced in June-July A.D. 1216; and of this king again we have two dates (Nos. 96 and 97) of the 7th Febrnary and the 22nd April A.D. 1248, whereas the reign of his Bccessor Rajendra-Chola III. commenced in March-April A.D. 1246.
From the materials availablo I therefore infer that Rajadhiraja Rajakesaritarman, i.e. Rajadhiraja II., commenced to reign between (approximately) the 28th February and the 30th March A.D. 1163.
150.-In the Gråmårdhanåthêsvara temple at Elvanasûr. 1 Tiribuvanachchakkaravattiga! śni-Virar[A]jêndira-Soladevark[ku] yandu vadu
Magara niyarru purvva-pakku[li]ttu dvitsilyaiyum Tingat-kilamai(ylum pera
A]viţtatti-na!. “In the 6th year of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Virarajendra-Choladeva,-on the day of Sravishtha, which corresponded to a Monday and to the second title of the first fortnight of the month of Makara."
The date corresponds to Monday, the 16th January A.D. 1184, which was the 22nd day of the month of Makara, and on which the 2nd tithi of the bright half (of Magha) commenced 5 h. 36 m., while the nakshatra was Sravishtha, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 10 h. 30 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 11 h. 10 m., after mean sunrise.
151.-In the Amritaghatêsvara temple at Tirukkadaiyûr. 1 Svasti eri [1l*] Puyal vâyppa . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . kô=[Ppa]rakêśariparmar=&pa
Tibuvanachchakkaravattiga! Madu[r]aiyum Påņdi ya]naiyum mudittalaikopd-aruliya sri-Kulôttunga-bôľadêvazku yaņdu 16 vadu Mêsha-nåyazıu půrva
pakshattı [a]ttamiyu[m] 6 Viyala-kkilamaiyum perra Pusatti-nál.
"In the 10th year of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulôttunga-Chôļadēva, who was pleased to take Madurai and the
1 Mr. Venkayya has informed me, about three years ago, that the figures undoubtedly are '18. I would suggest that the thirteenth solar day, which is mentioned closely to the regnal year, may have misled the writer to put down '13' also for the latter.
* No. 158 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1906. Read -pakshattu. No. 48 of the Goetament Epigraphist's collection for 1906. 5 Read Tribhu.