[Vol. IX.
The date is identical with the preceding date, and corresponds therefore to Tuesday, the 4th October A.D. 1244.
167.-In the Jambukêśvara temple near Trichinopoly, 1 Svast[i] Se[t] [ll] Tr[i]bhuvanachchakravatti]ga! Sr[i]-Rajarajadêvapku
(y)ându 2[9 kvadu] Kumbha-nayarra-ppû[r]vva-pakshattu navamiyam
Tiógat-kils[m]aiyum porra Uroša [i]-nâļ. " In the 2[9Jth year (of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Rajarajadēva, - on the day of Rôhini, which corresponded to a Monday and to the ninth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Kumbha."
The date corresponds to Monday, the 6th February A.D. 1945, which was the 14th day of the month of Kumbha, and on which the 9th tithi of the bright half (of Phâlguna) commenced 1 h. 12 m., while the nakshalra was Rôhiņi, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 7 h. 53 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 7 h. 13 mi, after mean sunrise.
158.-In the Jambukêsvara temple near Trichinopoly 1 Svast[i] sr[i] [ll] Tr[i]bhavanachchakravatt[i]ga! śr(i)-Rajarajadê[va)rka
[y]ándu 2[9&vadu] Kumbha-Dâyatru=ppûrvva-pakshatta navam[i]yum Tingat
k[i]le[m]siyam perra Urosaņ[i]-na!. "In the 2[0]th year of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Rajarajadêve,-on the day of Rohiņi, which corresponded to a Monday and to the ninth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Kumbha."
The date is identical with the preceding date, and corresponds therefore to Monday, the 6th February A.D. 1245.
160.-In the Jambunatha temple at Jambai. 1 Svasti śr[1] [ilo] sa[galaba]vagachchakkaravattiga! sri-ko-Ppera[ñ]jiagadêva[]ku
yându 16vadu Dagu-nâyarra pů[rvva-pakshattu] trayôdas[i]yum Tingat
k[i]lamaiya[m] perra Urošay[i]-®nå!. "In the 16th year (of the reign) of the emperor of all worlds, the glorious king Perusjingadeva, on the day of Rohiņi, which corresponded to a Monday and to the thirteenth tithi of the first (fortnight) of the month of Dhanus."
Above, Vol. VII. p. 165, I have found that the reign of Peruñjingadêva commenced between (approximately) the 11th February and the 30th July A.D. 1243. This date, of his 16th year, corresponds to Monday, the 9th December A.D. 1258, which was the 14th day of the month of Dhanus, and on which the 13th tithi of the bright half (of Pausha) commenced 7 h. 48 m., while the nakshatra was Böhiņi, by the Brahma-siddhanta the whole day, according to Garga from 1 h. 19 m., and by the equal space system from 13 h. 8 m., after mean sunrise.-Instead of the 13th, I should have expected the 12th tithi to have been quoted, especially as, joined with Rohini, this tithi is & mahá-dvadasi (papa-ndfiní).
1 No. 500 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1906. * This name consists of two abbreviations for the word roja placed side by side. * This word seems to be denoted by a flourish added to the second figure of the regnal year, • No. 62 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1908.
No. 96 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1906. • The syllables fan[] are repeated by mistake in the original.