[Vol. IX.
The inscription opens with the genealogy of Ammaraja (II.) of the (Eastern) Obalukya (1.5) dynasty. LI. 1-17 aro practically identical with 11. 1-23 of the Elavarru grant of the same king. But Vikramaditya (I.) receives the title Yuvardja (1. 13), and the name Kollabiganda is twice (11. 14 and 17) spelt with b, not with bh.
Ammaraja II. is then praised in seven verses, all of which occur in his Padankalûru grant, where they are however differently arranged. The two verses (5 and 6) recording the date of his coronation are also found in the Maliyapu di grant. It is a curious fact that the major portion of plate ii.b (consisting of verses 3-5 and nearly the whole of verse 6) of the Vandram plates is engraved over another grant of Ammardja II., which seems to have been partially effaced by the writer, but of which distinct traces are still visible. I subjoin a transcript of those lines of the original inscription on plate ii.b which can still be made out.
20 . . . . . . . . . # TATTufaruf T - 21 हाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरः परमभट्टारक: परमब्रह्मण्यो मातापितुपादानुध्या22 यी वेंगीसहस्रराष्ट्रकूटप्रमुखान् कुटुंबिनस्समाइयेथमाना23 uufa [1"] fafecta . . . . . #sh afuerit faer T
The poetical description of Amma's reign is followed by a prose passage (11. 30-37) which is worded in nearly the same manner as 11. 30-36 of the Elavatru grant Ammarája II., who is here styled Samastabhuvaniéraya, the glorious Vijayaditya (VI.) Maharajadhirija-Paramésvara Paramabhaffäraka, the very pious one, who meditates at the feet of (his) mother and father, thus commands, having called (them) together, the ryots, headed by the Rashtrakafas, inhabiting the twelve villages (the chief one of which is) Prándoru in the Pavunavåra district (rishaya).'
So far the text can be easily transcribed and understood. But the remainder of the inscription cannot be deciphered in full, as a number of words in the damaged portions are doubtful or quite illegible. Besides, the author of the long metrical passage describing the donee (1l. 37-61) knew so little Sanskfit, or got his draft copied in such an imperfect way, that I am unable to propose satisfactory corrections even of some of the well-preserved portions of it. The whole of this passage seems to be in verse. Making allowance for the damaged and lost lines I number the verses as 8-23. Verse 8 praises the family (gôtra) named Mitrayu. A descendant of it was Tarkkaya-Peddiya? (v. 9), who lived in the large village Reviparru (v. 10), his son Vijayaditya (v. 11) and his grandson Tärkkiya.Yajvan (v. 12). The last had by Kandamámbá a son named Kuppanayys (v. 14), who seems to have enjoyed the titles of minister (amátya, v. 15) and Vassal (sumanta, v. 16). He had the surname Vipranårå (yapa] (v. 21) and founded a shrine of Siva at Drakshårima.
"To this Kuppan[a]mátya, who is devoted to Me, the village named Tanderu has been given by Us, having made (it) an Agrahara; to whom (the village) named (Beti]pundi (in the neighbourhood) of Prøndoru" in your districtlo (vishaya), together with the share of gold,
* Ind. Ant. Vol. XII. p. 91 ft.
Ibid. Vol. VII. p. 15 ff. * The verses of the Padankalûru grant (11. 23-37) correspond to the following verses of the Vandram plates : 1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7,2 ; and an additional verse is inserted between 1 and 4.
Above, p. 47 .
. Both sides of plate v. also exhibit traces of obliterated writing. A grant of Bhus I. is a similar palimpsest; see Prof. Kielhorn's remarks, above, Vol. V. p. 127.
. In the latter the epithet matapitripadd nudhyata) (. 85) is however missing.
1 With Tarkkaya compare the names Tarkasarman (above, Vol. V. p. 120, note 14) and Tarkkama (Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. p. 214, text 1. 49).
# Draksharamé krita-Siva-nilayo; v. 22 (1. 68).
Pra ti is the Telugu genitive of Prándoru (1. 35). I.. in the Pavunavara-vishaya of 1. 85.