No. 16.]
was given with exemption from all taxes, having made (it) an Agrahara." I subjoin my reading of this passage, which is so peculiarly worded, that it remains doubtful whether the present grant refers to Taņderu or to Betipundi or to both, and whether only the second or both of them belonged to the Pavanavara-vishaya.
61 . . . . . . . . . . तस्मै कुप्पन[*]म[T]त्या[य] 62 महताय' ताण्डेनामग्राममग्रहारिकत्योस्माभिदत्त । य[स्य भव] हि63 षये प्रान्दोति [बटि] पूण्डिनाम सह[*]टकभागमग्रहा[री कृत्य सर्व कर]64 पर दत्त इति विदितमस्तु व[:] ॥ अस्य (स) ग्रामस्थावधय[:*] ॥ . . . .
Of the subsequent description of the boundaries of the village granted (11. 64-67) I am unable to furnish a satisfactory transcript. The remainder of the inscription (11. 67.72) is nearly identical with 11. 57-60 of the Elavarru grant. The last line (72) seems to read :य() ते कमिः ॥ [२५*] आज्ञप्तिः 'कट्टकराजः [*] महा[का भट्टका*] व्यं [*]
__जोन्ताचार्येण लिखितं ॥ Accordingly the Ajvapti was the Katakarája, the poet? Maháská?]bhatta, and the writer Jontacharya.8
of the localities mentioned in this inscription, Drakshåråma is well-known, and the Påvunavåra-vishaya is probably the same as Pâgunavara-vishaya in a grant of Bhima II.10 The villages Prândoru, Betipůndi, Tanderu and Raviparru I am unable to identify.
First Plate. 1 + स्वस्ति श्रीमतां सकलभुवनसंस्तूयमानमानव्यसगोत्राणां हा2 रीतिपुत्राणां कौशिकीवरप्रसादलब्धराज्यानां मातृगणपरिपालीतानां स्वा3 मिमहासेनपादानुध्यायीनां भगवन्नारायणप्रसादसमासादित. 4 वरवराहलाञ्छनेक्षणक्षणवशीकतारातिमण्डलानाम5 "श्रुमेधावभुतमानपविचीकृतवपुषां चालुक्यानां कुलम6 लंकरिष्णोः सत्य [*] ययवल्लभेन्द्र[स्य ] भ्राता कुनविष्णुषईनोष्टाद7 श वर्ष[v]णि वेंगिदेशमपालयत् ॥ तत्पुत्री जयसिंहस्त्रयस्त्रिंशतं । त8 दनुजेन्द्ररा[जनन्दनो] विष्णुवईनो नव । तत्मनुर्मगियुवराज: पंचवि-16 9 शतिं । त[त्युत्री जय सिंहस्त्रयोदश । तदवरजः कोकिलिः षण्मासान् ॥
1 Read मनाय. Read °हारौकत्यास्माभिर्दत्त:.
Read परिहारण. • Instead of tath-oktar Vyasena, 1. 69 reads tatha ch-oktan Vyasa-bha!![4]rakéna(na). - Read कटक.
See above, p. 49 f. Le the author of the verses describing the doneo. In other grants of Ammaraja II. Påtanabhatta and Madhavabhattaare mentioned as poets.'
# The same person was the writer of the Elavarru and Pada kaldru grants . See e.g. above, Vol. IV. p. 37, note 3. 10 Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. p. 213. 11 From two sets of ink-impressions and the original copper-plates. " Read "पालितानां. ध्यायिनां.
. Read °मथ'. # The anusndra stands at the beginning of the next line.