No. 16.]
& circular seal, which is slightly damaged and measures nearly 14" in diameter. It is about
thiok, and bears in relief a squatting figure, perhaps representing a god, the right hand of which seems to be raised, as if to indicate the abhayahasta. . .
Either plate Dear the top has a ring-hole which is about 3" in diameter."
On the plates B., those of Avanivarman II. Yoga, Mr. Venkayya writes :
“The three plates are between 12," and 121" broad and between 81" and 9" high. They are strong on an oval ring which measures 21 by 24" The ends of the ring are secured below a circular seal, which is slightly mutilated and measures nearly 2" in diameter. The seal bears in relief a squatting figure, similar to the one on the seal of the other plates..... Each plate contains a ring-hole which is about $" in diameter."
On the excellent facsimile published herewith I have to say only a few words. It will show that the inscription in some places is not very easy to read. As regards individual signs, I would merely draw attention to the forms of the initial i and , e.g. in iha, 1. 33, and evams, 1. 45; to the sign for ry, e. g. in lauryasya, 1. 11 ; to the final t, e.g. in abhật, 1. 32; and to the numeral figures, especially that for '9', in line 68.
In my text of the inscription the word sri- has by an oversight been omitted before Ta[rs]pd-, above, p. 10, 1. 57.
BY PROFESSOR E. HULTZSCE, PH.D.; HALLE (SAALE). These plates were found in the backyard of Buddharaju Venkataraja of Vandram, a village in the Bhimavaram täluka of the Kistna district, and were forwarded by the Head Assistant Collector of Narsapur through the Collector of Kistna to Rai Bahadur Venkayya, who sent me two sets of ink-impressions of them, with the following remarks :
These are five copper-platos, measuring 74" in length and 38" in height. They have high rims more than thick. The ring on which the plates are strung was cut by me for the first time and soldered subsequently. It is oval, measures 37" by 33", and is nearly " thick. The ends of the ring are secured in an expanded eight-petalled lotus at the bottom of a circular seal, which measures 23' in diameter. The seal is much damaged, but bears, in relief on a countersunk surface, the legend Sri-Tribhuvanam kusa], with a boar facing the proper left over it and a floral device below. The other symbols cut in the seal are not quite distinct. Traces of the sun over the boar, of the crescent of the moon behind his tail, and of an elephant goad in front of him are visible."
The first and last plates bear writing only on one side, and the three remaining plates on both sides. The plates are in a bad state of preservation. Of plate i. a small portion is missing. Plate ii.b is a palimpsest, and part of its writing is effaced. The two first lines of plate iii.b and some letters of the two last lines of plate iv.a are damaged by corrosion. Of plate iv.b the two first lines and part of the third are in a still worse condition. On the last plate (v.) some letters are more or less doubtful.
After the MS. of this article had gone to the press, I received from Mr. Venkayya the original copper-plates, with the help of which I was able to improve my readings of several indistinct words.
The alphabet is ancient Telugu of the nsual type. I would only draw attention to the peculiar form of the secondary 4 in -múrtters, 1. 18, and samdhaya, 1. 36 f. The language is Sanskrit ; but tho four first lines of the last plate contain some Telugu words. The Sanskrit portion consists of both prose and verses.