No. 9.]
Vikrama year 1877, to Monday, the 6th April A.D. 1821, when the 8th tithi of the bright half of Vaisakha ended 17 h. 18 m. after mean sunrise; the day did fall in the Jovian year Kshaya, which according to the northern mean-sign system lasted from the 30th May A.D. 1320 to the 26th May A.D. 1321.
Of the localities mentioned, in addition to the well-known Arbuda or Mount Åbû, Chandrivati according to the Rajputana Gazetteer, Vol. III. p. 126, is a large place (now in ruins) on the Bands river near the south-east border of the Sirohi State. There can be no doubt that it was taken by Lantiga from the Paramaras. Héthufijt is the small village of Hetamji' on Mount Abů. Vahundha- if this is really the name I am unable to identify.
On Mount Åbû there are at least two other inscriptions, 8 of no great extent and partly illegible, of the reign of Lantigadeva, described as the Mahardjakula, the glorious Landhaka or Landha(P). One is dated on Wednesday, the 8th of the dark half of Chaitra in the [Vikramal year 1372, corresponding, so far as I can see, to Wednesday, the 17th March A.D. 1816; the other on some specified day, which I cannot make oat with oertainty, in the (Vikrama] year 1373. And there is a third, partly effaced inscription, which also mentions the MahardjaJoula, the glorious Landbaka or Lapthaka, and speaks of the glorious Nimaladevi, who clearly is the N&malladevi of the present inscription, the mother of Lantigadeva. I am not at present prepared to give a fuller account of these three inscriptions.
But I may add here that another account of some of the later ChahamAnas is found in an inscription which is on & stone at a temple, the Vimala-basahikd, ordinarily but wrongly called Vimala Sah's or Shah's temple-- which was founded on Mount Aba, acoording to the inscription itself in the Vikrama year 1088,7 by & certain Vimala, 'an ornament of the Prigvåta race,' after he had been appointed dandapati at Arbuda by the (Chaulakys) king Bhimadeva (I.). This inscription in lines 9-15 (verses 14-22) gives the following rájdall':
There was a hero, Åsardja by name, a moon to the lotus-flower--the Ohahuvima family, who was king of the town of Nadolalo (v. 14). Then there came samarasimha; and his son was Mahanasimhabhata (v. 15). Then came Pratapamalla ; and of him was born Vliede, who ruled the Marusthall-mandals (v. 16). He had three sons, the first of whom was the king Luniga (v. 17). After him the text mentions Lundha (v. 18) and Lumbha (v. 19), without distinctly saying that they were his younger brothers. It then records the conquest of Arbuda (v. 20); says further that Laniga's son was Tejasinha (v. 21); and after him onlogizes Thupaka, to whom it wishes long life (v. 22).
The mutilated verse 23 appears to say that the glorious Lumbhaka, together with Tejasimha and Tihana, in right manner carried on the government of the mountain Arbuda ;
See my Northern List, Nos. 198, 209 and 210 (now above, Vol. VIIL p. 301). 1.See sboro, Vol. VIII. p. 207, and the Rajguidna Gaster, Vol. III. Pp. 187 and 146. • Nos. 1907 and 1909 of Mr. Cousons' List.
No. 1908 of Mr. Consens' List.
No. 1790 of Mr. Consens' List. I hope Hon' to give this text of this inscription, which is ready for padrontion.
Vimala sdhe seems to cooar frst in As. Rasi Vol. XVI. p. 811, note. It owe ita origin tomlander. standing of the term Vimala-pasalikd, Vimala's temple, which we find ag. in line 8 of No. 1774 of Mr. Consens' Li-I may add that in line 10 of the mme inscription we have the similar term Tijapdia-tarakid, Tijapala's templo.
*The date lo given in verse 11: Srl Vikramdditya-upipdd-oyatlu Salantiydt larades naabrlord) 1 fr Idindihan fikhard-rbudarya wiodai(Atas fr-imallna pasdi L.
• I givo all name bere exactly as they are written in the original
This may be swi-take for Chdhundna or Oudhwodpa
This is the actual spelling of the name, and is required by the metre. The wme may be sold of the name : faride, which occurs below.