Then there came Lakshmana, who by his irresistible valour acquired part of the earth. In the mutilated verse 12, which together with verse 11 treats of this chief, the word Naddela is distinctly legible, as well as Sakambhari; and it is certain that Lakshmana is described in the verge as king of Naddala, and highly probable that he is spoken of as såkambharimanikya, the jewel of SAkambhari." After him, verse 13 mentions his son' Baliraja,' and Baliraja's 'son,' whose name I read as Sohi, regarding this to be another form of the name Sôhiya (Sobhita, Sobhita) of the preceding inscriptions. According to the latter, Sohiya was Lakshmana's son, and his son again was Baliraja; the author of the present inscription has erroneously transposed the two names. Verses 14-18 then enumerate Mahindu, Jinduraja, Asaraja, Ålhaņa, Kirtipala and Samarasimha. From what we know already from the other inscriptions, this is the line, from father to son, of the Chåhaminas of Naddala from Mahindu to Samarasimha, exoept that, between Mahindu and Jindurkja, Anahilla, the son of the former and father of the latter, has been omitted. So far our inscription tells us nothing of importance that is new.
Samarasimhs, according to verse 19, had two sons, of whom the one called Udayasimha, who also is already known to us from the inscription C., succeeded him in the government. Udayasinhha's elder brother was Manavasimha (v. 20); his son was Pratápa (v. 21), and his son Vijada, also named Dabbeyandana? (v. 22).. This chief married Nimalladevi (v. 23), who bore to him four sons-Lavanyakarna, Lundha Lakshmana, and Lüņavarman (v. 24), of whom the eldest became the ruling chief. When Lavanyakarna died, he was succeeded by the next brother, whose name in verse 26 is clearly Lunţigadêve, in verse 28 Lunţiga, in verse 30 Lundhagara, and in the prose passage in line 29 Lûntågara. Luntiga conquered and ruled all countries,' particularly Chandravati and the divine territory of Arbuda (Arbuda-divyadéban, v. 27). On the mountain Arbuda he set up images of himself and his queen, and carried out repairs at the temple of Achalgvara. As a grant to the temple, he moreover gave the village of Hethufiji! (v. 38) for the perpetual worship of the god.
From the prose passage whith follows, and which is more or less illegible, we learn that in the year 1977, on Monday, the 8th of the bright half of Vaisakha, in the Kshaya-samvatsara, Lantiga, described as the Maharajakula, the glorious Lüntågara, resided at [Vû P]hundha which belonged to Chandravati, 10 This date regularly corresponds, for the expired Karttikadi
1 The Translation, after Lakshmana, mentions the bero, named Manikys, whose distinguished capital was śAkarbhart," but this is erroneone.
· The Translation has Adhiraja instead.
• The second half of the verse, part of which is very indistinct, in my opinion is: Solf-sanjia[reta]16 varhad f6but bhanaw hi tat-suta[]. The name 86hi occurs above, Vol. VIII. p. 220, 1. 13.
The original actually bae Mahidu. ' The Translation bai Sindhuriji, Kulaviverddhapa, Prabhurias Baja (derived from the actual reading prabhur Asaraja), Dandana (for Albana), Kirtipals and Samarinha.
According to the Translation Minavusimha was Udayasimha's son; but this is mistake. The original text, after mentioning Udayasimhs, clearly has : yo vai paro dána-gunairagarishtasatasyadgrajó Ménavasindaadmd.
1Le. Dasaratha. The original text of verso 22 is: Tasyadtmajd Spe[r]oagun-ddhindea [4]A(of)d-Dafasyadang-ndma[dhd (dnd) Plya) [1] (ba).d(id)ra oljdni tu lado yyai-chatedri rdjydya Harbh prasddde
(1). I shall show below that the cbie here spoken of undoubtedly was named Pljada. The name Dabasyandans (Dasaratha) may have been given to him because, like Bama'. father Dabaratha, he, according to the account here given, had four sons. - Compare above, Vol. VIII. p. 215, v. 18.
• The reading of the first syllable of this name is not absolutely certain bere.
. Above, Vol. VIII. p. 222, lice 28, and in an unpublished Mount Ab inscription (No. 1794 of Yr. Consens' Liet) the name is spalt #haigh
The text bas samoat 1877 varald Vail]dkha-fudi 8 8md Kahaya-samvaleurd Sdyodha Chaindrdoalfpratica(ba)ddha-[V4?]wudha-saudedrita-wahardjakula-fr-Lodgard Chandravatt-prabhriti-
dish tatad . . . . .
iedea (4]A(old-Dasaryan
vabad(bhd)ra dljdnit Vlads
(1). I shall show belovu