No. 9.]
bhūmibhujam Radmasu || 53 Sphärjjannirjhara-jhamkritênal subhagat tat
këtakinam vanan misribh tam=aneka46 kamrakadall-vrimdëna dhatto stra yah | Amråņam vipina cha devalalan vaksh.
raha-sparddhay=&v=ôdyatpraudhaphalåvali-kavachitam jamva(ba) vanên-Amchitam ||
54 Marau? Mêrôs tulyas=tridasalalana-kêlisadanam Sugamdhidrir-nânåtaruni47 karagannahs-subhagah I nripên=Endrên=éva praarimaraturamgôchchayakhura
prakam prorvvipitha 'ratirasa-vasât=têns dadrid || 55 Tan-murddhni tridasêrdrapujita-padâmbhôjadvay&m dôvatâm Châmumdám=Aghatkevareiti viditâm=
abhyarchchitâm půrvvajaiņi 48 natv-Abhyarchchya narêsvarð=tha vidadhê=syå mandird mandapam kridatkim
narakinnarikalarav-Onmådyanmayûrikulam || 56 Samvat 1919 [") Trayodasasataikonavimsatau masi Madhavê chakre skshaya tritiyay&m pratishthå
mamdapê dvijaiḥ || 57 49 Sampal-lábhar ghatayatu fubham kumbhi-vaktra Ganbesh middhin deyada
abhimatatamam Chamạiká châru-mürttiḥ | kalyanâys prabhavata satâm dhënu. Varggah prithivyån râjâ rajyam bhajata vipalam svasti dêva-dvijêbhya) || 58
Ss6 srikarisaptakavådi-De50 vacharyasya sishyô sjani Ramachandraḥ 1 shrir-vineyo Jayamangalo Says
prajastim=ôtám sukriti vyadhatta 11 59 Bhishagvara-Vijayapåla-putrêņa Námvasihêna? likhita 11 Satradhára-Jisapala-putrèņa Jibaraviņ=ôtkirppå Il D.-MOUNT ÅBÛ INSCRIPTION OF LUNTIGADEVA;
[VIKRAMA-SAMVAT 1877. This inscription is on a stone which is built into the wall outside the porch of the Achalegvara temple on Mount Åbů. A translation of it was given, about eighty years ago, by H. H. Wilson in Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVI. p. 285 ff. My account of its contents is based on impressions kindly sent to me by Prof. Hultzsch, who had received them from Mr. Consens. I mainly treat of the inscription here in order to give the true names of the chiefs who are mentioned in it, and to show the connection of these chiefs with those of the preceding inscriptions. The published translation long ago led me to suspect that this record also belonged to the Chhamåna family of Naddula ; I am able to prove now that such is really the case.
The stone contains 32 lines of writing which covers & space of about 1' 11" broad by 1' 4" high. Portions of the first ten, and the last three lines and some of the final letters of nearly all lines are entirely gone or defaced. The characters are Någari, and the language is somewhat incorrect Sanskrit. Up to nearly the end of line 29 there are 36 verses, forming a prasasti which was composed by a certain Mahid hara ;10 the rest seems to be all in prose.
After three verses, for the greater part illegible, in which the blessing of certain divine beings is invoked, the author proposes to celebrate repairs made at the Achaldsvara temple, and to give the lineage of the person who made them. He then (in verses 6-10) records that, when the solar and lunar races had come to an end, the holy Vachohha (i.e. Vatsa) brought about the creation of a new race of warriors, the OhAhumanall race, and that in it there was a personage named Sindhurája, who conquered all other families.
1 Originally jhamkritena was engraved.
Metre : Sikhariņi. • Metre : Sard dlavikridita. Metre: śloka (Anushtubb). Metre : MandAkrata. • Metre : Upajati.-Here, as in verse 19, frikirt was originally engraved. * Read sinhdna, as in line 26.
8 See my Northern List, No. 256. • In Mr. Counens Lint the inscription is No. 1944. 10 The original has Mahddharya. 11 lbe name is not preserved here, but the family is called Chahumdndnvaya in verse 17.
13 The original has Sidhundjal in the Translation the name is Sindhu putra. The name Sindharijs does not occur elsewhere in the Chahamans family. I suspect it to have been wrongly given here by the author instea 1 of Simbarêja.