and the rest of the inscription trents of a private family, two members of which made repairs of the temple. The date given in verse 41 is Monday, the 9th of the dark half of Jyoshtha of the [Vikrama) year 1878. It corresponds to Monday, the 10th May A.D. 1822.
As regards the genealogy given in this inscription, it is curious, but of no historical importanoe, that it commences with Asarajal (Åsarija, Å gårája), who was neither the founder of the family nor the father of Samarasimha who is here mentioned immediately after him. Instead of the name Manayasinha of Lantigadêya's inscription this account has Mahanasimhs which must be regarded as another name of the same person; and while according to the former Vijada had four sons, acoording to this genealogy he had only three--Laņigo, Lundhs and Lumbha. Of those, Lapiga undoubtedly is identical with the Lavanyakarna of the other inscription, and Landha with Lantiga (Landha), while Lumbha (Lambhaka) most probably is another name of Lanavarman. What is new to us and of some importance, is, that by the account here given Tejasimha, who is known to us from other inscriptions, was a son of Läpiga. According to No. 261 of my Northern List Tējasimhad was ruling in the (Vikrama) year 1987, corresponding to A.D. 1331; and there is an unpublished Mount Abû inscription of his of the (Vikrama) year 1393, corresponding to A.D. 1336. What was the exact relation of Tibunaka Thuns) to Tejasimha, does not appear from the Vimala temple inscription, but the matter very probably is cleared up by a statement in an inscription (No. 265 of my Northern List) of Tejasimha's son Kanbadadeva, who was reigning at Chandråvati in the Vikrama year 1394, corresponding to A.D. 1338. That inscription in lines 11-14 records four separate grants of villages by the Chahumánajfidtiya-raja-fri-Tējasitha, the dévadd-frf-Tihuņaka, the rája-sri
Anhadadeya, and the Chahumánajá(I)tiya-raja-fri-Samatasimba. Here Tihunáka is placed between Tējasimha and his son Kanhadadêva, who both are distinguished from him by their title of rajan. This and the order in which Tihuņáka is mentioned in the Vimala temple inscription render it probable that he was rejasimha's younger brother. And this may possibly be the meaning of the word ddvadd prefixed to his name, a word which seems to be etymologically connected with the Sanskrit deuri, deoara, used in the specific sense of a husband's younger brother."
In the Table on page 83 I have placed all the chiefs mentioned in the above in their genealogical order, and have given the dates known from inscriptions either for themselves or for the kings and chiefs with whom they are said to have come in contact. The Table will show that Lakshmana, the founder of the family, must be placed in about A.D. 925-950, and that there. foré ho very probably was a son of that VAkpatiršja of Bakambhari, who was the grandfather of the Vigraharajal of the Harsha inscription who lived in A.D. 973. My genealogical Table of the family is not quite complete. I do not know yet how to place exactly the Mahardjakula BAmvatasimha or 8&myantasidha, who is mentioned in Nos. 704-707 of my Northern List with dates from about A.D. 1282 to A.D. 1289, and if this should be a different chief - the Bdja 84matasimha, mentioned in Kanhada deva's inscription of A.D. 1338.
1. Te it wore not for the other insoriptions, this name might of course be taken to stand for Lioardja. • Compare Lanigadors for LaVanspraakda in No. 219 of my Northern List • In tbe original of No. 261 (N. 1940 of Mr. Coups' Liat) the name is spelt Tijaisha,
No. 1947 of Mr. Coupons' Liat.
No. 1919 of Mr. Cousens' Lint. The inscription has been roogbly edited in Ind. Ant. Vol. IL p. 250,
• In No. 1958 of Mr. Courens' List Doadd-oathifa is mentioned. According to Ind. Ant. Vol. IV. p. 140, the Sirohi obiettains,. . .though Chohans, are universally known by the name of their rabtribe, the Dovrh,
The foundation of the separate kingdom of Nadala wu perhap. Que Debod with the disturbance wbich preceded Vigrabarja's reiga.