year of Nitimârga-Rachamalla III. on some day from Margadirsha sukla 1 in A.D. 985 to the new-moon day of Karttika in A.D. 986; leaving just about the same short but sufficient period indicated under 1, a, above, for some Western Ganga prince, whose name would not be R&chamalla, standing between Rachamalla II.
and Rachamalla III. (d) Other years in which the new-moon tithi, ending or beginning, and with or without
the Mâla nakshatra, was connected with a Monday, were, A.D. 994, 998, and 1001. In view of these facts, this Chikmagalur record ought to be placed in A.D. 991, 994, 997, 998, 1001, or 1004, unless the details of the date given in it have been altogether inaccurately recorded.
TEXT. Om Svasti Niti märggs-Komguņi.
varmma-dharmmamaharajadhirdja Kuvajála-paravar-e vara [Nanda)giri-nátha Srimat Rachamallamge [pa]ttar-gattid-Araneya varshada Karttika-ma[sa]da suddha punnameyu[m] 8ômaváramu[m] Mula-nakshatramum-age Pemmanadigal
prithuvi-rajyam-ge. 8 yy[n]ttam-ire Kiriya-Muguļiya
Pemmådig(au ? ]. 9 [pda]iges kotta nilpanya iņņa (nnuru Pemmadiyu[m] Nilabe10 ya[m] Narasingayyanum Kesavayyanu[m] [Pa ?]nne-ðjaru[m] 11 [Ma ?]dhukammôjarum
Ereyamman(um] 12 int-ivar-ildu koţtor i(i) kodangeyam
balasidor 13 nalgimunda-Biyalanum
[Koma 14 rayyanu[m] Palmadiya Mendammanu[m] Benneyura Deva15 [gapa ? ]nu[m] Mal[t]avûrada Pemmådigamuşdanu[m] Urppavalliya 16 Chamayyanun Indavürada Vi[ţi P]yyanu[m] mangaļa Om
TRANSLATION. Om! Hail! When it was the full-moon tithi of the bright fortnight of the month Kårttika of the sixth year of the crowning of the Dharmamaharajadhiraja NitimárgaKongunivarmsn, the lord of Kuvalla the best of towns, the lord of the mountain Nandagiri, the illustrious Bachamalla, and when it was Monday and the Müla nakshatra :
(Line 7)— While the Pemmanadi was ruling the earth, to Pemmådig[an]pda (P) of Kiriya-Muguļi there were given two hundred- [supply probably mattars]- of nilpanya-land.
1 Partly from the photograpb, and partly from the previously published Kanarese text; see page 50 above. • Represented by a plain symbol ; 80 also at the end of line 16.
The previously published Kanarese and transliterated texts both give konguwi, with the guttural A. But the photograph shows onmistakably kongumi.
• The second akahara of this word, the ma, was at first omitted by the writer, and was then inserted by him below the line, under the small space between the 16 and the ed. It is rather faint in the photograpb.
The previously published texts both give gondange ; and the translation presents the name as Pemmadi. Gauda. The period seems rather early for the form gaunda (Nee Vol. VII. above, p. 188); And we have the forin gdmunda in lines 18 and 16. I suspect that an estampage would show that the real reading here is gd[w]ndange with a damaged ww at the end of line 8.
Mr. Rice's transliterated text gives bere the long *; for wbich of course, in such a construction ma that which we have here, the short in a mistake. His Kapsrese text gives quite properly the short 1, which is shewa by the photograph to be most distinctly the real reading.
See note 5 above.