Godavari, Chebhatika Chodl, and Vatamukha probably Odhêm. Chehdi is in the Niphad, and the rest in the Násik, tdluka of the Násik district.
As the inscription expressly refers itself to the reign of the Rashtrakața sovereign Govinda II., no doubt can now be reasonably entertained as to his having sat on the throne. I have elsewhere! adduced reasons why we should consider Govinda II. to have actually reigned. Dr. Fleet based his different opinion on the words jyêshth-ollarghana of a verse occurring in the Waņi and Rådhanpur grants. But these words, as Professor Kielhorn has remarked, by no means necessitate the conclusion that Dhruva immediately succeeded Krishna I. to the exclusion of his eldest brother Govinda II. from the succession. The new grant places it beyond all doubt that Govinda II. did succeed Krishna I. and did reign. Consequently Dr. Fleet's view has no grounds to stand upon, unless it can be conclusively shown that this grant is a forgery.
Although many Rashtrakata records have so far been published, they have supplied us with but few dates prior to the time of Govinda III. We have Śaka 675 for Dantidurga, the founder of the dynasty, furnished by his Sâmângad plates. The Alas copper-plate charter, issued by Govinda II. when Yuvarája or prince-regent, gives the date saka 892 for his father Krishna I. And our plates give a third date, viz. Saka 701, for Govinda II. himself. A fourth date is supplied by the Jaina Farivansa, which was completed in Saka 705 when Srivallabha, son of Krishna, was ruling over the South. There can be no doubt that this Krishna is Krishna I. of the Rashtrakūta family. But it is by no means easy to decide whether by Srivallabha is meant Govinda II. or his brother Dhruva, as both had this epithet and were sons of Krishna I.
First Plate. 1 to [1] # TUTTTH 10arti i Tele
ata acum Fheie [*] 2 ret[feaf]fach Awant safei Baiafaret
() : wafa[y]far 3 afe[1] [attaffanston fa try trofea [2] Cena
मभिमुखीं सुभटाहा[सामुबामि]4 "मितं स[पदि येन] रणेषु नित्वं । दष्टाधरेण दधता भृकुटि ललाटे खङ्गं
To tu [ fa]
1 Journ. Bo. Br. R. 4.. Soc. Vol. XX. pp. 133-4.
Dynasties of the Kanarest Districts, p. 393; above, Vol. VI. pp. 171 and 172. # Above, Vol. VI. pp. 240-1. • Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 108 f. . Above, Vol. VI. p. 208 ff. • Ind. Ant. Vol. XV. p. 142. 1 Early History of the Dekkan, p. 197; above, Vol. VI. p. 197.
& From the original copper-plates.- A few emendations in the text and in the notes are due to Mr. H. Krishna Sustri, B.A., who read the first proof-sheets. Verse 17 remains unintelligible.-E.H.] • Expressed by a symbol. 10 Read af
11 Read mu. 12 Read refu. 1 Read Tufo
14 Read 'fo:. 15 This fe is superfluous.