No. 15.]
varman, to whose eleventh year I would assign-lághavát as an Indian philosopher would saythe Uruvupalli grant.
The Pikira grant was issued from the camp at Mên mâtura (1. 1), the Mangaļûr grant from Dasanapura,1 and the Uravupalli grant from the residence (sthana) Palakkada. I am unable to identify Mênmatura. As regards the two other names, I have shown that Dr. Burnell's identification of Palakkada with the modern Palicat is untenable." Dr. Burnell was further inclined to consider Palakkada the Telugu equivalent of the Sanskrit name Dasanapura. As stated by Dr. Fleet, this derivation is equally unsound. For the Telugu word for 'a tooth' is not pala, but pallu (genitive panti), and kada does not mean 'a town,' but a place, a side.' Nor is it safe to connect Dasanapura with its synonym Dantapura which, according to the Jataka and the Dáthávamsa, was the capital of Kalinga and may be meant for Kalinganagara, the modern Mukhalingam in the Ganjam district,?- far to the north of the Pallava territory. Thus the three ancient local names Mênmatura; Dasanapura and Palakkada are still awaiting identification. In his Annual Report for 1904-05, p. 47, Mr. Venkayya has shown that they may have to be looked for in the present Nellore district.
First Plate.
1 Om [1] Jitam-bhagavata [1] Svasti [1] Sri-vijaya-skandhavárán Mênmatur-Avisa kat-parama-brahmanya
2 sya
3 sthiti-ethitasy-m[i]mand maharajasya prithivi-tal-aika-virasya áriViravarmmaṇaḥ prapautrô=
Second Plate; First Side.
4 bhyuchchita-akti-siddhi-sampannasys bhagavad-bhakti-sadbha
5 va-sambhavita-sarvva-kalyapasy-Aneka-go-hirapya-bhamy-Adi-pradanaiḥ
6 ddha-dharma-alchayneys prajå-pålana-dakshasya lökapálända palichamaya
Second Plate; Second Side.
7 16kapalasya mahatmano maharaja-ér[i]-Skandavarmmanaḥ pautrô dêva-dvija8 guru-vriddh-âpachayino
9 mardd-ôpalabdha-vijaya-yasaḥ-prakāśasya satyatmand yuvamaharaja.
1 In the Darsi fragment, Dasanapura is called a residence (adhishthdna); Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 398. * Loc. cit. note 4.
South-Ind. Pal. sec. ed. p. 36, note. Vol. VII. p. 66, s. v. Dantapura.
Dyn. Kan. Distr. p. 318, note 12.
Edited by Prof. Bhys Davids (Journal of the Pali Teat Society, 1884), II. 57, 98, 100; III. 2. 7 Above, Vol. IV. p. 187 ff.
From ink-impressions supplied by Mr. Venkayys.
Expressed by the same symbol as in the Mangalur grant.
10 The photo-lithograph of the Uruvupalli grant (1. 4) reads prapantrasyadohchita, which may be meant
for =óchchita-.
11 Corrected by the engraver from-deanata..
12 Read-6pachdyinó, as in 1. 6 of the Uruvapalli grant.
13 A superfluous hook is attached to the right of the ma and of the rdd6.