2 rân-diyadiyum
"In the 8th (year) opposite to the 31st year (of the reign) of Arikêsaridêva alias Parakrama-Paṇḍyadeva, which was current after the Saka year one thousand three hundred and eighty-one (had passed),- on the day of Svati, which corresponded to a Wednesday, and to the tenth tithi of the first fortnight, and to the twenty-third solar day of the month of Mithuna."
The three dates Nos. 36-38 shew that the reign of Jatilavarman Parakrama-Pandya commenced between (approximately) the 25th March and the 19th July A.D. 1422. A date of the month of Mithuna of the 8th year opposite to the 31st year, i.e. of the 39th year, of the same reign should therefore fall in either A D. 1460 or 1461. Now assuming this date No. 39 to be really one of the 39th regnal year, its proper equivalent could only be Wednesday, the 17th June A.D. 1481. On this day the 10th tithi of the bright half (of the month Âshâḍha) ended 17h. 51 m., and the nakshatra was Svati, by the equal space system for 19 h. 42 m., by the Brahmasiddhânta for 3 h. 17 m., and according to Garga for 7 h. 13 m., after mean sunrise. But the 17th June A.D. 1461 was the 21st (not the 23rd) day of the month of Mithuna, and fell in ŚakaSamvat 1383 (not 1381) expired.
No better result would be obtained if we were to assume the writer to have quoted the Saka year correctly and the regnal year incorrectly. Saka-Samvat 1381 expired would yield no satisfactory result at all. For Saka-Samvat 1381 current the date might be said to correspond to Wednesday, the 21st June A.D. 1458, on which day the 10th tithi of the bright half (of the month Ashadha) ended 15 h. 35 m., and the nakshatra was Svati, by the equal space system for 10 h. 30 m., after mean sunrise. But the 21st June A.D. 1458 was the 24th (not the 23rd) day of the month of Mithuna (and would fall in the 36th or 37th, not the 39th year of the king's reign).
The date therefore is certainly incorrect; but I have hardly any doubt that its incorrectness is caused by the writer's interchanging the last figures of the numbers of the Saka year and of the solar day (i.e. by his giving us erroneously 1381 instead of 1383, and 23 instead of 21), and that the day intended is Wednesday, the 17th June A.D. 1481. And accepting this result as correct, it would follow that the king's reign commenced between (approximately) the 18th June and the 18th July A.D. 1422.
E. JATILAVARMAN PARAKRAMA-PANDYA (KULASEKHARA). 40. In the Visvanatha temple at Tenkasi.
1 Subham-astu [*] Sakabdam 14217 mêl sellâninra [1] svasti eri [1] Kô Jațilavarmmar-âna Tribhuvanachchakravattigal Ka[r]ttigni-nål piranda Parakki[rama-Pandiyadevar
2 âna Kulasêgaradêvar nam yându irubadâvadu Virichchiga-nâyarru padiņañjân= diyadiyum Sparvvava-pakshattu dvâdasiyum Brihaspati-vâramum
3 Rêba(va)ti-nál.
"In the twentieth year (of the reign) of king Jatilavarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, Parakrama-Pandyadeva alias Kulasekharadeva who was born on the day of Krittika, which (year) was current after the Saka year 1421 (had passed),- on the day of Rêvati, which corresponded to a Thursday, and to the twelfth tithi of the first fortnight, and to the fifteenth solar day of the month of Vrischika."
1 Cancel the second yum.
In A.D. 1461 the Mithuna-samkranti took place 6 h. 41 m. after mean sunrise of Thursday, the 28th May. In A.D. 1458 the same Samkranti took place 12 h. 4 m. after mean sunrise of Sunday, the 28th May. No. 197 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1895. • Bead púrova..